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Councils and Committees

University Committees

  • Academic Senate

The College of Arts and Sciences has 13 representatives on the Academic Senate. Each group will have four senators and one at-large position. Departments may nominate up to two faculty members for Senate and are allowed to have no more than two Academic Senators at a time. Senators serve three-year terms. Full-time faculty in a tenure track/tenured position with the rank of assistant professor, associate professor, or professor are eligible to serve. Elected members of the Academic Senate shall not be eligible for election to the University Review Committee or the Faculty Review Committee.

Natural Sciences and Mathematics

  • Kevin Edwards - Biological Sciences - 2026
  • Tom Hammond - Biological Sciences - 2027
  • Lucian Ionescu- Mathematics - 2025
  • Steve Peters - Chemistry - 2027
  • Eric Peterson, Geography, Geology, and the Environment - 2026 (at large)

Social Sciences

  • German Blanco - Economics - 2025
  • Dimitrios Nikolaou - Economics - 2026
  • Carl Palmore - Politics and Government - 2025
  • Kate Sheridan - Social Work - 2025


  • Megan Hopper - Communication - 2025
  • Nathan Kapoor - History - 2027
  • John McHale - Communication - 2025
  • Jim Pancrazio - Languages, Literatures, and Cultures - 2025
  • Faculty Review Committee

The College of Arts and Sciences has three representatives serving on the Faculty Review Committee, one from each group. Members serve a three-year term. Faculty members with tenure who have served previously on a D/SFSC or CFSC are eligible to serve, but not Academic Senators or administrators. No faculty member may serve more than two consecutive terms. Faculty members may serve on only one ASPT committee at a time (URC, FRC, CFSC, D/SFSC).

Primary Responsibilities

The FRC is responsible for considering appeals on promotion and tenure decisions only.

Committee Representation

  • Wolfgang Stein - Biological Sciences - 2027
  • Christine Varga Harris - 2025
  • Rebecca Hayes - Communication - 2025
  • University Review Committee

The College of Arts and Sciences has three representatives serving on the University Review Committee, one from each group. Members serve a three-year term. Faculty members with tenure are eligible to serve, but not Academic Senators or administrators. No faculty member may serve more than two consecutive terms. Faculty members may serve on only one ASPT committee at a time (URC, FRC, CFSC, D/SFSC).

Primary Responsibilities

The URC's primary task is to review annual ASPT policies, to make recommendations for changes, and to review CFSC guidelines for conformity with the University guidelines.

Committee Representation

  • Amanda Cullen - Mathematics - 2026
  • Susan Sprecher - Sociology and Anthropology - 2025
  • Jennifer Howell, Languages, Literatures, and Cultures - 2027


College Committees

  • College Council

Primary Responsibilities

  • The College Council shall create such standing and special committees as it deems useful to the exercise of its functions.
  • The College Council shall advise and assist the Dean of the College.
  • The College Council shall establish procedures within the College for:
    • reviewing and revising curriculum:
    • developing and reviewing guidelines;
    • selecting department chairpersons;
    • determining appropriate representative student participation in College and department affairs;
    • determining the method of representation, of nomination, and of election of its representatives to the Academic Senate, to University and College search committees, and to the mandated by-laws review committee;
    • conducting College elections;
    • gathering College Council documents;
    • selecting the Research Proposal Review Committee, College Curriculum Committee, Teaching Awards Committee, Service Awards Committee, and College Elections Committee;
    • selecting College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Lecturers
    • selecting College award recipients and nominees for University awards.
  • The College Council shall operate as a forum for discussion on matters of concern to the College and University community.

View current bylaws

Time Commitment

The Council shall hold regular meetings at least once each month during the academic year, and as otherwise necessary. 

Constituent Representation

  • John Kostelnick - Chemistry - 2027
  • Alec Foster - Geography, Geology, and the Environment - 2026
  • Kyle Floyd - Biological Sciences - 2025
  • Susan Sprecher - Sociology and Anthropology - 2027
  • Julie Webber - Politics and Government - 2026
  • Jean Sawyer - Communication Sciences and Disorders - 2025
  • Tom Buller - Philosophy - 2026
  • Jennifer Howell - Languages, Literatures, and Cultures - 2027
  • Lana Kuhle - Philosophy - 2025
  • Cindy Pulley - Mathematics - NTT - 2027
  • Elizabeth Chupp - Communication - AP - 2027
  • Nikki Dalbey - Languages, Literatures, and Cultures - CS - 2027
  • Mason McClure (Student) - History - 2025

Meeting Minutes

  • College Curriculum Committee

The College Curriculum Committee shall be composed of the Dean or the Dean's designee, nine members of the College faculty, and six students from among the declared majors of the College departments. Each faculty member will serve a three-year term. Full-time faculty with the rank of assistant professor, associate professor, or professor, over whom the CFSC has jurisdiction are eligible to serve. Each student member will serve a one-year term and may be nominated again when their term is completed. Students eligible for membership must be full-time with either a first or second major in one of the College’s departments and in good disciplinary standing. All terms will begin with the start of the fall semester following their appointment. The College Council makes appointments to this committee.

Primary Responsibilities

Review of:

  • new and revised graduate degree programs,
  • new and revised undergraduate degree programs, including majors, minors and sequences,
  • changes in hours and structure for major and minor degree programs,
  • new and revised courses, including revisions to content, hours, and prerequisites,
  • additions or deletions of courses and programs.

The committee also considers curriculum policy, program planning and direction, and curriculum problems that cut across department lines.

Time Commitment

The committee meets once a week on Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. All committee members must be free during that time.

Learn more about the University Curriculum Committee
View CAS Curriculum Committee Policies and Procedures

Committee Representation

  • Rocío Rivadeneyra, CAS Associate Dean - Dean's Representative
  • Sarah Boesdorfer - Chemistry - 2027
  • Vacancy
  • Fusun Akman - Mathematics - 2025
  • Shelby Putt - Sociology and Anthropology - 2026
  • Scott Seeman - Communication Sciences and Disorders- 2025
  • Carl Palmer - Politics and Government - 2027
  • Allen Lessoff - History - 2027
  • John Hooker - Communication - 2025
  • Todd Stewart - Philosophy - 2026
  • Sara O'Dowd (Student) - POL/PHI - 2025
  • Robby Graham (Student) - English - 2025

Curriculum Committee Minutes

  • College Elections Committee

The College Election Committee shall be composed of at least three faculty, one from each group. One of the three shall be designated chairperson. The College Council makes appointments to this committee.

Primary Responsibilities

  • The Committee shall tabulate election results, seeking help from the College Council if desirable. Complete election results shall be available from the Chairperson of the committee and from the Dean of the College, and they are responsible for maintaining records of the results.
  • The committee will ordinarily supervise elections conducted by the College, though special rules for particular elections may be established.

Time Commitment

Overseeing elections held in February and April and special elections as necessary.

Committee Representation

  • Jeremy Driskell - Chemistry
  • Dawn McBride - Psychology
  • Ryan Davis - Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
  • College Faculty Status Committee

The College Faculty Status Committee shall be composed of the Dean of the College, who is an ex officio voting member, and six members of the college faculty. Each group has two members elected for two-year staggered terms. All members of the committee must hold tenure. College Council members shall not be eligible to serve. No faculty member may serve more than two consecutive terms. Faculty members may serve on only one ASPT committee at a time (URC, FRC, CFSC, DFSC).

Primary Responsibilities

  • reviewing DFSC/SFSC procedures and policies.
  • reviewing tenure and promotion cases.
  • developing College guidelines.
  • hearing appeals concerning faculty evaluations

Time Commitment

Minimal time commitment in fall semester. Heavy time commitment in spring, specifically in February and March.

Committee Representation

  • Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
  • Bill Perry - Biological Sciences - 2026
  • Amin Bahmanian - Mathematics - 2025
  • Kate Sheridan - Social Work - 2026
  • Dawn McBride - Psychology - 2025
  • Montserrat Mir - Languages, Literatures, and Cultures - 2026
  • Andrew Hartman - History - 2025
  • College Research Proposal Review Committee

The Research Proposal Review Committee shall be composed of the Dean or the Dean's designee and six faculty members, two from each college division.  Each faculty member will serve a two-year term. Full-time faculty with the rank of professor, associate professor, or professor, over whom the CFSC has jurisdiction are eligible to serve. All terms will begin with the start of the fall semester following their appointment. RPRC members are ineligible to apply for URG funding during their term and members may not serve concurrently on departmental and college panels.  No department may succeed itself after a faculty member has served a two-year term. The College Council makes appointments to this committee.

Primary Responsibilities

  • Evaluate nominees for fall and spring research awards. 
  • Review and rank URG proposals (typically 50-70 short applications).
  • Review URG forms and guidelines to make recommendations for refinement or change to the Dean and the College Council.
  • Serve as judges for college Three Minute Thesis competition.

Time Commitment

The time commitments for this committee are heaviest in fall and late January.  There is also a small time commitment for reviewing the College Excellence awards in April.

Committee Representation

  • Laura Vogel, CAS Associate Dean - Dean's Representative
  • Chris Mulligan - Chemistry - 2026
  • Gail Yamskulna - Mathematics - 2025
  • Taeok Park - Communication Sciences, and Disorders - 2026
  • Jeff Wagman - Psychology - 2025
  • Lauren Bratslavsky - Communication - 2025
  • Kimberly Nance - Languages, Literatures, and Cultures - 2025
  • College Service Awards Committee

The Service Awards Committee shall be composed of the Dean or the Dean's designee, three faculty members, one A/P member, and three student members. Faculty members will serve a three-year term with one member being replaced each year. The A/P member’s term shall coincide with that person’s term of membership on the College Council. Each student member will serve a one-year term and may be nominated again when their term is completed. All terms will begin with the start of the fall semester following their election. The College Council makes appointments to this committee.

Primary Responsibilities

Time Commitments

The time commitment for this committee is very intense for 3-4 weeks in late September and early October, and again in early to mid-April.

Committee Representation

  • Anthony Crubaugh, CAS Associate Dean - Dean's Representative
  • Elizabeth Chupp - Communication - A/P - 2027
  • Reecia Orzeck - Geography, Geology, and the Environment - 2025
  • Frank Beck - Sociology and Anthropology - 2026
  • Eric Godoy - Philosophy - 2025
  • College Teaching Awards Committee

The Teaching Awards Committee shall be composed of the Dean or the Dean's designee, three faculty members, one, NTT member, and three student members. Faculty members will serve a three-year term with one member being replaced each year. Each student member will serve a one-year term and may be nominated again when their term is completed. The NTT member’s term shall coincide with that person’s term of membership on the College Council. All terms will begin with the start of the fall semester following their election. The College Council makes appointments to this committee.

Primary Responsibilities

Time Commitments

The time commitment for this committee is very intense for 3-4 weeks in late September and early October, and again in early to mid-April.

Committee Representation

  • Anthony Crubaugh, CAS Associate Dean - Dean's Representative
  • Cindy Pulley - Mathematics - 2027
  • Marjorie Jones - Chemistry - 2026
  • Jim Stanlaw - Sociology and Anthropology - 2025
  • Eda Ozyesilpinar - English - 2025
  • Asma Aldhufri (Student) - 2025
  • College Technology Advisory Committee

College Technology Advisory Committee was formed fall of 2016.

Primary Responsibilities

  • Advising to and/or representing the general faculty and staff population regarding IT projects, operations, policy, and procedures
  • Presenting industry and/or curriculum technology trends and needs from representative areas to IT

The term of membership shall be for two years, with half the panel, one from each collegiate group, elected each year. At the initial creation of the committee, a one-time distinction between one and two-year terms shall be decided by chance. 

Committee members may access the Microsoft Teams site for communication, documents, etc.

Committee Representation

  • Laura Vogel, CAS Interim Associate Dean - Dean's Representative
  • Mike Regilio, Director of CAS-IT- Dean's Representative
  • Jeremy Driskell - Chemistry - 2026  
  • RJ Rowley - Geography, Geology, and the Environment - 2025
  • Vacancy
  • Abigail Stone - Sociology and Anthropology - 2025
  • Vacancy
  • Rebecca Hayes - Communication - 2025
  • Rachel Purviance - Physics - 2026
  • Vacancy