Student Life
Enhance your college experience through the College of Arts and Sciences.
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Learn more about whats happening in and around the College of Arts and Sciences.

Astronomy Club offers community for nocturnal night-gazers
Illinois State’s Astronomy Club is dedicated to educating students about the universe by hosting star parties and observing the night sky.
The School of Communication through the bright eyes of an international student
The School of Communication’s graduate experience is a renowned program known for fostering a dialogical, insightful, and safe space for all students.

Fall 2023 FIREbird and BirdFEEDER Research Grant Winners Announced
FIREbird grants support students in Faculty-mentored, Independent Research Experiences in funding for student salary, research materials, or for travel to conduct research. The BirdFEEDER is a small grant Fund for Experimentation, Enquiry, and the Development of Student Research for both graduate and undergraduate students.
Latin American Latino/a Studies program creates a ‘Community of Belonging and Success’
As Illinois State University’s student body becomes increasingly diverse with more first-generation students, a grassroots initiative to support the University’s newest Redbirds is taking flight in the Latin American and Latino/a Studies program.

Scholarships and Aid Opportunities
The College of Arts and Sciences offers competitive scholarships. The College's sixteen schools and departments also provide a variety of scholarships.
Leadership Opportunities
Research Support
CAS offers Student Travel Funds, an internal awards intended to promote high-quality research, scholarship, and creative activity by undergraduate/graduate students of the College of Arts and Sciences at Illinois State University.
CAS Scholars Program
The CAS Scholars Program is a five-semester program designed to provide selected students with valuable opportunities for personal and academic growth. This is an invitation only program. For questions regarding this program please contact Katie Raisner, Director of Student Success, Retention, and Recruitment for the College of Arts and Sciences at klraisn@ilstu.edu or (309) 438-1762.