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Sandra Keller

Instructional Assistant Professor of French
Lang Literatures & Cultures
STV Stevenson Hall 203d
  • About
  • Education
  • Research


I am a sociolinguist who studies language ideologies in France, particularly with respect to the minority language of Gallo in Brittany. At ISU, French program courses I have taught include First- and Second-Year French (FRE 111, 112, 115, 116); French Phonetics (FRE 209); Contemporary France (FRE 224); and Introduction to Applied French Linguistics (FRE 340). I have also taught Sociolinguistics for the Departments of English and Anthropology (ENG/ANT 342).

Current Courses

111.001First-Year French (Part I)

115.002Second-Year French (Part I)

116.001Second-Year French (Part II)

Research Interests & Areas

French linguistics; sociolinguistics; language ideologies; minority language representations and practices; discourse analysis; intersectional identities in contemporary France; verbal art and performance; narrative

Ph D Linguistics

University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC

MA French

University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC

BA Psychology & French

Rhodes College
Memphis, TN

Book, Chapter

Keller, Sandra, and Erin Tremblay Ponnou-Delaffon. “Beyond Borders: Teaching for Multiplicity in the L2 French Classroom.” Narratives of Non-English L2 Language Teachers, edited by Nur Yiğitoğlu Aptoula and Melinda Reichelt. Forthcoming with Routledge, 2025.

Keller, Sandra. (2021). “’I Didn't Know It Was a Language Back Then’: The Ideological Value of Recognition among Gallo Advocates in Brittany.” In Netta Avineri and Jesse O. Harasta, eds., Metalinguistic Communities: Case Studies of Agency, Ideology, and Symbolic Uses of Language. Palgrave Macmillan. Pp. 183-203.

Eagle, Clarissa, and Sandra Keller. (2020). "Marianne Repensée: Femmes, Culture, Rupture et Représentations." In Michel Gueldry and Armelle Crouzières-Ingenthron, eds., La France Contemporaine : Unité et Diversités, Polarisations et Solidarités. French Review Book Series, AATF Press. Pp. 31-64.

Journal Article

Keller, Sandra. (2019). “The Semiotics of Gallo Dictionaries: Indexing Modern Localness and Distributing Epistemic Authority in Minority Language Advocacy.” Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 29(1): 95-118.


2021 “Claiming speakerhood, defining community: Gallésantes and verbal art in Brittany, France.” Midwest Modern Language Association annual convention. Milwaukee, WI. (November 5)
Edwards, L., Keller, Sandra. (2020, November 14). Forging Nuanced Understandings of Frenchness and Francophonie in the Second-Year Classroom. Diversity, Decolonization, and the French Curriculum, Virtual Conference.

2018 “’I didn’t know it was a language back then’: Minority language advocacy and the ideological value of recognition among users of Gallo in Brittany.” American Anthropological Association annual meeting. Washington, DC. (November 17)

2017 “Stance-taking in minority language labeling: Terminological pluralism and personal connection.” American Anthropological Association annual meeting. Washington, DC. (November 30)

2016 “Creating a language-object: Participant roles of language recognition in minority language advocacy.” Multimedia poster presentation. American Anthropological Association annual meeting. Minneapolis, MN. (November 19)

2015 “’I love patois, I learn gallo’: Ideological projects of minority language-naming.” Conference on Language, Interaction, and Social Organization. Santa Barbara, CA. (May 30)

2015 “’You know perfectly well this is a lesson’: Ignorance and knowledge in humorous Gallo-French performances.” American Anthropological Association annual meeting. Denver, CO. (November 20)

2014 “Indexing speakerhood: Discursive and material practice at Gallo language festivals.” American Anthropological Association annual meeting. Washington, DC. (December 4)

2013 “Performing Gallo, imagining place: Language and regional identity in Brittany, France.” Poster presentation. Locating Language: A Symposium on the Linguistics of Place. Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. (April 20)

2013 “Place, scale and linguistic hybridity in artistic performance: Advocating for a regional language of France.” American Association for Applied Linguistics conference. Dallas, TX. (March 16)