Sandra Keller
- About
- Education
- Research
I am a sociolinguist who studies language ideologies in France, particularly with respect to the minority language of Gallo in Brittany. At ISU, French program courses I have taught include First- and Second-Year French (FRE 111, 112, 115, 116); French Phonetics (FRE 209); Contemporary France (FRE 224); and Introduction to Applied French Linguistics (FRE 340). I have also taught Sociolinguistics for the Departments of English and Anthropology (ENG/ANT 342).
Current Courses
111.001First-Year French (Part I)
115.002Second-Year French (Part I)
116.001Second-Year French (Part II)
Research Interests & Areas
French linguistics; sociolinguistics; language ideologies; minority language representations and practices; discourse analysis; intersectional identities in contemporary France; verbal art and performance; narrative
Ph D Linguistics
MA French
BA Psychology & French
Book, Chapter
Keller, Sandra. (2021). “’I Didn't Know It Was a Language Back Then’: The Ideological Value of Recognition among Gallo Advocates in Brittany.” In Netta Avineri and Jesse O. Harasta, eds., Metalinguistic Communities: Case Studies of Agency, Ideology, and Symbolic Uses of Language. Palgrave Macmillan. Pp. 183-203.
Eagle, Clarissa, and Sandra Keller. (2020). "Marianne Repensée: Femmes, Culture, Rupture et Représentations." In Michel Gueldry and Armelle Crouzières-Ingenthron, eds., La France Contemporaine : Unité et Diversités, Polarisations et Solidarités. French Review Book Series, AATF Press. Pp. 31-64.
Journal Article
Keller, Sandra. (2019). “The Semiotics of Gallo Dictionaries: Indexing Modern Localness and Distributing Epistemic Authority in Minority Language Advocacy.” Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 29(1): 95-118.
2017 “Stance-taking in minority language labeling: Terminological pluralism and personal connection.” American Anthropological Association annual meeting. Washington, DC. (November 30)
2016 “Creating a language-object: Participant roles of language recognition in minority language advocacy.” Multimedia poster presentation. American Anthropological Association annual meeting. Minneapolis, MN. (November 19)
2015 “’I love patois, I learn gallo’: Ideological projects of minority language-naming.” Conference on Language, Interaction, and Social Organization. Santa Barbara, CA. (May 30)
2015 “’You know perfectly well this is a lesson’: Ignorance and knowledge in humorous Gallo-French performances.” American Anthropological Association annual meeting. Denver, CO. (November 20)
2014 “Indexing speakerhood: Discursive and material practice at Gallo language festivals.” American Anthropological Association annual meeting. Washington, DC. (December 4)
2013 “Performing Gallo, imagining place: Language and regional identity in Brittany, France.” Poster presentation. Locating Language: A Symposium on the Linguistics of Place. Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. (April 20)
2013 “Place, scale and linguistic hybridity in artistic performance: Advocating for a regional language of France.” American Association for Applied Linguistics conference. Dallas, TX. (March 16)