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Shraddha Shende

Assistant Professor, PhD
Communication Sci & Disorders
  • About
  • Education
  • Awards & Honors
  • Research

Current Courses

531.001Amplification Selection & Fitting

521.001Differential Diagnosis In Audiology

522.001Electrophysiological Techniques In Audiology II

299.007Independent Honor Study

500.001Independent Study Communication Sciences & Disorders

Research Interests & Areas

Aging, hearing loss and cognition (specific focus on cognitive control)
Cognitive communication disorders and hearing loss
Functional impact of hearing loss
Event-related electroencephalography (EEG)

PhD Speech and Hearing Science

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Champaign, IL

MA Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology

Maharashtra University of Health Sciences

BA Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology

Maharashtra University of Health Sciences

Impact Award

Illinois State University

Dissertation Completion Fellowship

University of Illinois

Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching (Teaching Assistant)

College of Applied Health Sciences, University of Illinois

International Graduate Student Scholarship

American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation

List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students, Course: Introduction to Audiology

University of Illinois

Bob Bilger Graduate Award

University of Illinois

Ehud and Janie Yairi International Graduate Student Award

Ehud and Janie Yairi, University of Illinois

University of Illinois Graduate College Travel Award

University of Illinois

List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students, Course: Introduction to Sound and Hearing Science

University of Illlinois

Dean C. and Kathleen R. Garstecki Audiology Scholarship

Dean C. and Kathleen R. Garstecki, University of Illinois

Conference Proceeding

Shende, S.A., & Mudar, R.A. (2024). Neurophysiological Changes Underlying Inhibitory Control in Mild Age-Related Hearing Loss. Proceedings of The Ninth International Conference on Neuroscience and Cognitive Brain Information, 9, 1-3. ISBN: 978-1-68558-127-5.

Journal Article

Shende, S.A., Jones, S. E., & Mudar, R.A. (2024). Alpha and theta oscillations on a visual strategic processing task in age-related hearing loss. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 18:1382613.
Lydon, E. A., Mois, G., Shende, S. A., Myers, D., Danilovich, M. K., Rogers, W. A., & Mudar, R. A. (2024). Methods and baseline characteristics for a social engagement technology-based randomized controlled trial for older adults. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 101308.
Shende, S.A., & Mudar, R.A. (2023). Cognitive control in age-related hearing loss: A narrative review. Hearing Research, 436, 108814.
Shende, S. A., Lydon, E. A., Husain, F. T., & Mudar, R. A. (2022). Inhibitory control and value-directed strategic attention in persons with mild age-related hearing loss. Aging and Health Research, 2(2), 100074.
Nguyen, L. T., Lydon, E. A., Shende, S. A., Llano, D. A., & Mudar, R. A. (2022). Disrupted Value-Directed Strategic Processing in Individuals with Mild Cognitive Impairment: Behavioral and Neural Correlates. Geriatrics (Basel, Switzerland), 7(3), 56.


Shende, S.A., Kirkham, C., & Cavanagh, G. (2025, February). Listening Effort and Hearing Handicap, Cognition, and Social Interaction. Proposal accepted for presentation at the American Auditory Society Conference, Scottsdale, AZ.
Kirkham., C., Cavanagh, G., & Shende, S.A. (2025, March). Subjective Hearing Concerns and Memory Processes in Older Adults with Mild Hearing Loss. Proposal accepted for presentation at the American Academy of Audiology Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Welsh, C., Cunningham, D., & Shende, S.A. (2025, March). Effect of a 4-week Lecture Series on Self-Efficacy and Self-Perceived Knowledge of Cognition in Graduate Audiology Students. Proposal accepted for presentation at the American Academy of Audiology Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Shende, S.A, & Mudar, R.A (2024, November). Conflict Monitoring and Inhibitory Control in Older Adults with Age-Related Hearing Loss. Oral presentation by SAS at the Gerontological Society of America Conference, Seattle, WA.
Shende, S.A, & Mudar, R.A. (2024, November). Using the Montreal Cognitive Assessment in Mild Age-Related Hearing Loss. Poster presented by SAS at the Gerontological Society of America Conference, Seattle, WA.
Beilstein, K., Cunningham, D., Shende, S.A., & Mudar, R.A. (2024, April). Memory Strategies Underlying Strategic Processing in Age-Related Hearing Loss. Poster presented by KB and DK at the University Research Symposium, Illinois State University.
Chen, X.S., Mois, G., Lydon, E.A., Shende, S.A., Mudar, R.A., & Rogers, W.A. (March, 2024). Enabling Home- and Community-Based Organizations to Provide Support Services Through Video Conferencing Platform. Poster presented by XSC at the 2024 International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care, Chicago, IL.
Manoj, M., Welsh, C., Shende, S.A., & Mudar, R.A. (2024, April). Value Directed Strategic Processing in Age-Related Hearing Loss. Poster presented by MM and CW at the University Research Symposium, Illinois State University.
Warren, T.S., Ashrafi, J., Shende, S.A., Lydon, E.A., & Mudar, R.A. (2024, November). Resting State Electroencephalography and Inhibitory Control in Cognitively Unimpaired Older Adults. Poster presented by TWS at the Gerontological Society of America Conference, Seattle, WA.
Shende, S. A., Koon, L.M., Singleton, J.L., & Rogers, W.A. (2023, November). Understanding Challenges and Solutions for Deaf Older Adults. Poster presented by SAS at the Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting, Tampa, FL.

Grants & Contracts

Digital Technology to Support Adherence to Hypertension Medications for Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment. Subaward from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. National Institute of Nursing Research.. Federal. (2024)
Measuring Knowledge and Skills Related to Cognition in Students Pursuing Doctor of Audiology (AuD) in the State of Illinois. College of Arts and Sciences. Illinois State University. (2024)
Cognitive Control in Older Adults with Different Degrees of Age-Related Hearing Loss. College of Arts and Sciences. Illinois State University. (2023)
Enhancing Quality of Life for Older Adults With and Without MCI through Social Engagement Over Video Technology. Subaward from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. National Institute on Aging.. Federal. (2023)
Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD) Student Series at the Activity and Recreation Center (ARC). Civic Engagement Award Co-sponsored by Senior Professionals, the Center for Civic Engagement at Illinois State University and the State Farm Foundation. Local. (2022)