Professor Bob Broad

--Tuesdays 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
--Thursdays 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
--and by appointment.
(If you are not currently enrolled in one of my courses and you would like to meet with me in my Zoom Office Hours, please email me at to arrange Zoom access.)
- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
I have taught and conducted research at Illinois State University since 1994. This institution strongly values both teaching and research--and has honored me with awards for both--so I feel professionally at home here.
Teaching Interests & Areas
Writing studies, writing assessment, pedagogies of composition and literature, English education, and research methods.
Research Interests & Areas
Writing assessment (portfolio and communal assessment), relationships between literacy and democracy, English education, and qualitative research methods.
Ph D English
MA English
BA English
Outstanding Faculty Member
Outstanding Faculty Member
Outstanding Researcher (Humanities)
Outstanding University Teacher Award
Outstanding Teacher (Humanities)
Teaching Initiative Award
Book Review
Book, Authored
Book, Chapter
Theune, Michael, and Bob Broad. “The Poetry of Evaluation: Helping Students Explore What They Value in Verse.”
Creative Writing and Education. Ed. Graeme Harper. Buffalo NY: Multilingual Matters Press, 2015. 171-182. Print.
Broad, Bob. “Mapping A Dialectic with Edward M. White (in Four Scenes).” Writing Assessment in the 21st Century: Essays in Honor of Edward M. White. Eds. Norbert Elliot and Les Perelman. New York: Hampton, 2012. 259-69. Print.
Broad, Bob. “Strategies and Passions in Empirical Qualitative Research.” Writing Studies Research in Practice: Methods and Methodologies. Eds. Lee Nickoson and Mary P. Sheridan-Rabideau. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 2012. 197-209. Print.
Journal Article
Slomp, David H., Roger Graves, and Bob Broad. “(Re-) Mapping the System: Toward Dialogue-Driven Transformation in the Teaching and Assessment of Writing.” Alberta Journal of Educational Research 60.3 (Fall 2015). Print.
Broad, Bob., and Michael Theune. “How We Value Contemporary Poetry: An Empirical Inquiry.” College English 73.2 (November 2010) : 113-137. Print.