Journal Article
Cossio, A., Cobb, W., Fugit, A., Nielsen, S., Hesson-McInnis, M., & Prasun, M. Examination of Nursing Staffs' Perceptions of the COVI-19 Vaccine Using the Health Belief Model. Western Journal of Nursing Research 46.3 (2024): 229-235.
Wesselmann, E. D., Hesson-McInnis, M. S., Beck, J. S., Atkinson, C. D., & Arellanes, J. A. (2023). Discussing one’s fan interests with others can satisfy or threaten psychological needs. Journal of Fandom Studies. 10(2&3). 157-177.
Jones, E. E., Ramsey, A. T., Wesselmann, E. D., Jaffe Rosenthal, H., & Hesson-McInnis, M. S. (2021). Being ostracized versus out of the loop: Redundant or unique predictors of variance in workplace outcomes? Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 51, 17-31.
Zobell, C. J., Nauta, M. M., & Hesson-McInnis, M. S. (2019). Career Indecision Profile-65 scores: Test-retest reliability and measurement equivalence in college and noncollege samples. Journal of Career Assessment, 27(3), 510-526. doi: 10.1177/1069072718775692
Astroth, K. S., Woith, W. M., Jenkins, S. H., & Hesson-McInnis, M. S. (2017). A measure of facilitators and barriers to rapid response team activation. Applied Nursing Research, 33, 175-179.
Hunter, B., Godley, S., Hesson-McInnis, M., & Roozen, H. A longitudinal analysis of change mechanisms for substance use and illegal activity: Exposure to the Adolescent Community Reinforcement Approach.. Psychology of Addictive Behavior 28.2 (2014): 507-515.
Nauta, M. M., Zobell, C. J., & Hesson-McInnis, M. S. (2018, April). Career Indecision Profile-65 scores' measurement equivalence in college and non-college samples. Poster presented at the 31st Annual Great Lakes Regional Counseling Psychology Conference, Kalamazoo, MI.
Sharing fandom with others satisfies psychological needs. Midwestern Psychological Association. Midwestern Psychological Association. (2016)
Eichler, F. A., Wesselmann, E. D., & Hesson-McInnis, M. S. (2015, May). Generating a multi-group moderated model to predict romantic commitment. Presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Taylor, J. S., Wesselmann, E. D., & Hesson-McInnis, M. S. (2015, May). A preliminary investigation on the psychology of fandom. Presentation at the meeting for the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Eichler, F. A., Wesselmann, E. D., & Hesson-McInnis, M. (2014, February). Committing to a long distance relationship: New findings on the role of emotional affect and preferences for frequent sex. Presentation at the meeting for the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Austin, TX.
A path analysis model of prediction of Bulimia Nervosa which includes feminism.. 2013 American Psychological Association Conference. American Psychological Association. (2012)
Anti-affirmative action values: The beliefs of undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral students.. 2013 American Psychological Association Conference. American Psychological Association. (2012)
Coping and other predictors of Bulimia Nervosa and the potential buffering impact of feminism.. 2012 American Psychological Association Convention. American Psychological Association. (2012)
Investigating multiple predictors of bulimia and feminism as a buffer. American Psychological Association Conference. American Psychological Association. (2011)
A Randomized Controlled Trial of Women First!: Effects on Condom Use. National HIV Prevention Conference. (2009)