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Dr. Maura Toro-Morn

Sociology Professor
Sociology and Anthropology
SCH Schroeder Hall 341
Office Hours
Spring, 2024
Monday and Wednesday from 12:00-2:00 Schroeder Hall
Williams 329, Tuesdays 11:00-2:00
  • About
  • Education
  • Awards & Honors
  • Research


Prof. Toro-Morn was born and raised in Puerto Rico. She migrated to the United States in the early 1980's to pursue graduate work in the Midwest. She has a been a member of the Bloomington/Normal community for over thirty years. She has devoted her academic career to researching Latinx/a/o immigration to the Midwest, globalization and migration, and Puerto Rican studies. Her teaching covers a range of areas, immigration, globalization, gender, qualitative methodology, and gender and migration. She currently the Director of the Latin American and Latino Studies program at Illinois State University.

Current Courses

400.005Independent Study

497.003Capstone Research In Applied Community & Economic Developmnt

400.006Independent Study

287.001Independent Study in Latin America Latino Studies

109.001Introduction To Latina/O Studies

372.001Special Topics in Sociology

495.001Special Topics In Sociology

291.001Undergraduate Teaching Experience In Latin American and Latin Studies

291.005Undergraduate Teaching Experience In Sociology-Anthropology

Teaching Interests & Areas

Maura I. Toro-Morn joined the faculty of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology in the early 1990's. Currently, she is the Director of the Latin American and Latino Studies Program. In a recent interview for ISU’s Daily Vidette she was quoted as saying; “for immigrants like myself, we will always be connected and will exist in a transnational field, always seeking a connection to our new home." She is currently devoted to teaching courses in the Sociology department that overlap with Latin American and Latino Studies. She is also a core faculty member for the Women and Gender Studies Program where she teaches both undergraduate and graduate classes.

Research Interests & Areas

As a scholar in the fields of immigration and sociology, she has always been curious about why people move, how, and what are the consequences of their movements thus she has devoted a significant part of her career to studying migrations in a global perspective. She began to address the complexities of migration while researching the social class and gender dimensions of Puerto Rican migration to Chicago. She is part of a generation of scholars that has taken on that task of exploring the gender specific qualities of contemporary migrations, work that has contributed to the historicizing Latino immigration to the Midwest and to making the experiences of women immigrants across diverse geographies visible. Her work is also relevant because it contributes to analyzing how gender and race systems of inequality intersect in the recruitment and deployment of Latina women workers.

Through both her research and teaching, she is devoted to investigating, teaching, and working toward equality for people on issues of ethnicity, race, gender, and social class. This commitment was recognized in 1998 when Toro-Morn was awarded the David Strand Diversity Award.

Ph D Sociology

Loyola University of Chicago
Chicago, Illinois

MA Sociology

Illinois State University
Normal, Illinois

BA Political Science

Interamerican Univesity
San German, Puerto Rico

Distinguished Lecturer

College of Arts and Sciences

Women of Distinction Nominee


Impact Award

Office of the Provost

Honorable Mention

Dean of Students

Book, Authored

Toro-Morn, M., & Garcia, I. Puerto Ricans in Ilinois. Southern Illinois Press (2024)
Toro-Morn, M. Immigrant Women Workers in the Neoliberal Age. Nilda Flores Gonzalez, Anna R, Guevarra, Maura Toor-Morn, and Grace Change (EDs). University of Illinois Press (2013)

Book, Chapter

Toro-Morn, M. “Elvira Arellano and the Struggles of Low-Wage Undocumented Latina Immigrant Women.. Nilda Flores Gonzalez, Anna R, Guevarra, Maura Toro-Morn, and Grace Change (EDs), In Immigrant Women Workers in the Neoliberal Age, edited by Anna R. Guevarra, Nilda Flores-Gonzalez, Maura Toro-Morn, and Grace Chang. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. Pp. 1-18.. University of Illinois Press (2013): 38-55.
Toro-Morn, M. Immigrant Women and Labor Disruptions.. Nilda Flores Gonzalez, Anna R, Guevarra, Maura Tor-Morn, and Grace Change (EDs), In Immigrant Women Workers in the Neoliberal Age, edited by Anna R. Guevarra, Nilda Flores-Gonzalez, Maura Toro-Morn, and Grace Chang. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. Pp. 1-18.. University of Illinois Press (2013): 1-18.
Toro-Morn, M. Threads that Bind: A Testimonio to Puerto Rican Working Mothers.”. Mari Castaneda and Kirsten Isgro (EDs), Mothers in Academia. Columbia University (2013)
Cintron, R., Toro-Morn, M., Garcia Zambrana, I., & Scott, E. 60 Years of Migration: Puerto Ricans in Chicagoland. The Puerto Rican Agenda (2012)
Cintron, R., Toro-Morn, M., & Garcia Zambrana, I. Culture. In 60 Years of Migration: Puerto Rican in Chicagoland. the Puerto Rican Agenda (2012): Pages 63-68.


Toro-Morn, M. Family Economics. Anna Ochoa (EDs), Undocumented Immigrants in the U.S. An Encyclopedia of their Experiences. Greenwood (2014)
Toro-Morn, M. Gender Roles. Anna Ochoa (EDs), Undocumented Immigrants in the U.S. An Encyclopedia of their Experiences. Greenwood (2014)
Toro-Morn, M. Marriage. Anna Ochoa (EDs), Undocumented Immigrants in the U.S. An Encyclopedia of their Experiences. Greenwood (2014)

Journal Article

Hartman , K., Rivadeneyra, R., & Toro-Morn, M. “’Mi mama nada mas me dice que me cuide mucho’ (My mom just tells me to take care of myself a lot): A Study of Mexican Immigrant Mothers and Adolescent Daughters in the Heartland.”. Journal of Latino-Latin American Studies (Jollas)


“Cartographies of Fractured Knowledges: Chicago Sociology, Latino Studies and the Scholarship about Latinidad”. American Sociological Assocaiton. American Sociological Association. (2021)
“Pedagogies of Crossing and Solidarity: Latino Studies in the Midwest Creating a Feminist Commons”. National Women's Studies Association. NWSA. (2021)
Puerto Ricans in the Heartland: Migrations, Families, and Transnational Belonging in Central Illinois. Eleanor Fails lecture at Loyola University.. Loyola University. (2021)
Decolonizing the Academy. Society for Urban, National, and Transnational/ Global Anthropology. Society for Urban, National, and Transnational/ Global Anthropology. (2019)
“Latinx Migrations in the Heartland: Genealogies of Belonging and Transformation.”. Imagining Latinidades: Articulations of National Belonging. University of Iowa. (2019)
New Research About Puerto Rican Women: Island and Diaspora Perspectives. SUNTA/SANA. Society for Urban, National, and Transnational/ Global Anthropology. (2019)
Sociology and the Study of Racism in the 21st Century: Colorblind Racism and the Trump Era.”. Midwest Sociological Association Annual Meeting. Midwest Sociological Association. (2019)
“Feeling Puerto Rican in Illinois, Chicago and Beyond: Identity, Survival and Struggle to Belong.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association. Philadelphia. August 2018.. Annual Meeting of American Sociological Association. American Sociological Association. (2018)
“Gendered Solidarity Among Immigrant Women in Chicago.”. Annual Meeting of the Latin American Studies Association. LASA. (2016)
“Gendered Coalitions Among Immigrant Women. Society for the Study of Social Problems. Society for the Study of Social Problems. (2015)