Book Review
Dougherty, M. Rose J. Spalding, Breaking Ground: From Extraction Booms to Mining Bans in Latin America Oxford University Press, 2023, pp. 308. Journal of Latin American Studies 56.2 (2024): 365-368.
Dougherty, M. Review of Development with Identity: Community, Culture and Sustainability in the Andes. Community Development 47.4 (2016): 577-578.
Book, Authored
Dougherty, Michael L. (2015) By the Gun or By the Bribe: Firm Size, Environmental Governance and Corruption among Mining Companies in Guatemala. U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Center Issue Paper 17: 2015.
Book, Chapter
Dougherty, M., & Dondanville, T. Organizations and Environment. Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer Nature (2023)
Dougherty, M., & Dondanville, T. "Organizations and Environment". Ali Farazmand (EDs), Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance (2017): 6.
Anderson, Sarah; Pérez Rocha, Manuel and Dougherty, Michael L. (2016) The Rise of the Corporate Investment Rights Regime and 'Extractive Exceptionalism:' Evidence from El Salvador. In, K. Deonandan and M.L. Dougherty (eds.) Mining in Latin America: Critical Approaches to the New Extraction. Routledge: London
Dougherty, Michael L. (2016) From Global Peripheries to the Earth's Core: The New Extraction in Latin America. In, K. Deonandan and M.L. Dougherty (eds.) Mining in Latin America: Critical Approaches to the New Extraction. Routledge: London
Dougherty, Michael L. (2016) Scarcity and Control: The New Extraction and Canada's Mineral Resource Protection Network. In, K. Deonandan and M.L. Dougherty (eds.) Mining in Latin America: Critical Approaches to the New Extraction. Routledge: London
Book, Edited
Deonandan, Kalowatie and Michael L. Dougherty (eds.) (2016) Mining in Latin America: Critical Approaches to the New Extraction. Routledge: London
Deonandan, Kalowatie and Michael L. Dougherty (eds.) (2016) Mining in Latin America: Critical Approaches to the New Extraction. Routledge: London
Creative Works/Broadcast Media
Dougherty, M. Extractive Industries and Local Communities. Sage Sociology Video Collection. Sage (2017)
Dougherty, M. The Sociology of Rural Development. Sage Sociology Video Collection. Sage (2017)
Dougherty, M. Doing Mixed Methods Fieldwork in Rural Guatemala. Sage Research Methods Video Collection. Sage (2016)
Dougherty, M. Researching Mining Conflicts Using Mixed Methods. Sage Research Methods Video Collection. Sage (2016)
Journal Article
Dougherty, M. Syllabus as Argument in an Era of Politicized Pedagogy. Sociological Forum 39.3 (2024): 223-230.
Dondanville, T., & Dougherty, M. Porousness and Peru's Moratorium on Genetically Modified Organisms: Stakeholder Epistemologies and Neoliberal Science. Environmental Sociology (2019)
Dougherty, M. Boom times for Technocrats? How Environmental Consulting Companies Shape Mining Governance. Extractive Industries and Society 6.2 (2019): 443-453.
Dougherty, M., & Econie, A. Contingent Work in the U.S. Recycling Industry: Permatemps and Precarious Green Jobs. Geoforum 99.1 (2019): 132-141.
Dougherty, M. How Does Development Mean? Attitudes toward Mining and the Social Meaning of Development in Guatemala. Latin American Perspectives 46.2 (2019): 161-181.
Magazine/Trade Publication
Dougherty, M. El Salvador Makes History. NACLA Report (2017)