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Dr. Lisa Tranel

Associate Professor of Geology
Felmley Hall Annex FSA 432
Office Hours
Spring 2022: Thursdays 1-3pm
  • About
  • Education
  • Awards & Honors
  • Research

Current Courses

382.001Glacial And Quaternary Geology

382.002Glacial And Quaternary Geology

482.001Glacial And Quaternary Geology

482.002Glacial And Quaternary Geology

499.001Independent Research For The Master's Thesis

400.005Independent Study

287.005Independent Study - Geology

204.002Career Preparation in Geography/Environmental Systems and Sustainability I


363.001GIS Applications in Geosciences

363.002GIS Applications in Geosciences

463.001GIS Applications in Geosciences

463.002GIS Applications in Geosciences

299.002Independent Honor Study

499.005Independent Research For The Master's Thesis

287.001Independent Study - Geology

Teaching Interests & Areas

Geomorphology, Sedimentology, Natural Disasters, GIS

Research Interests & Areas

Examining the evolution of mountain landscapes and drainage basins as a result of interactions between tectonic, geomorphic and climatic processes. Reconstruction of erosional & tectonic histories in bedrock and sedimentary systems using tools including apatite (U-Th)/He thermochronometry & cosmogenic radionuclides. Spatial variation of erosion in the Teton Range, Wyoming

Ph D Geoscience

Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA

MS Geology

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Urbana, IL

BA Geology

Lawrence University
Appleton, WI

Presidents Award

Association for Women Geoscientists

Geosciences Outstanding Service Recognition Award

Virginia Tech

Book, Chapter

Schneider, B., Tranel, L.M., and Cremeans, M., 2018, The Association for Women Geoscientists: Forty years of successes, struggles, and sisterhood, in Johnson, B.A., ed., Women and Geology: Who Are We, Where Have We Come From, and Where Are We Going?: Geological Society of America Memoir 214, p. 1–16,

Journal Article

Tranel, L.M. and Happel, A.A., Evaluating escarpment evolution and bedrock erosion rates in the western Guadalupe Mountains, West Texas and New Mexico, Geomorphology, accepted June 2020, in press. (,3sl3mx-f)
Watson, A., Peterson, E. W., Malone, D., and Tranel, L., 2020, Geology and Aquifer Sensitivity of Quaternary Glacial Deposits Overlying a Portion of the Mahomet Buried Bedrock Valley Aquifer System.: Hydrology, v. 7, no. 4, doi:10.3390/hydrology7040069.
Tranel, L.M., 2018, Hillslope coupled stream morphology, flow conditions, and their effects on detrital sedimentology in Garnet Canyon, Teton Range, Wyoming, Geoscience Frontiers , v. 9, p. 1193-1202,
Tranel, L.M., 2018, Rock mass strength in the Teton Range, Wyoming, 2017 Wyoming Geological Association Annual Field Conference Guidebook 2017, p. 41-61.
Brown, S. J., Thigpen, J. R., Spotila, J. A., Krugh, W. C., Tranel, L. M. & Orme, D. A. (2017). Onset timing and slip history of the Teton fault, Wyoming: A multidisciplinary re-evaluation. Tectonics, 36.


Rutte, M. and Tranel, L.M., (2018), Analysis of anthropogenic and runoff erosion into sandstone canyon walls using repeat structure-from-motion, Abstract G51C-0492, presented at 2018 AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C., 10-14 Dec.
Schneider, B., Tranel, L.M., Cremeans, M., and Zeeck, L., (2018), 40 Years of Recruitment and Retention of Women in the Geosciences: A Perspective from the Association for Women Geoscientists (AWG) , Abstracts with Programs-Geological Society of America, v. 50.
Tranel, L.M., Rutte, M., and Neundorff, J.A., (2018), Post-glacial erosion of sandstone canyons in Central Illinois , Abstracts with Programs-Geological Society of America, v. 50.
Rutte, M. and Tranel, L.M., (2017), Photogrammetric and Schmidt hammer analyses to understand erosion of the St. Peter Sandstone in La Salle County, Illinois , Abstracts with Programs-Geological Society of America, v. 49.
Tranel, L.M., Happel, A.A., and Schoenmann, S.S. (2017), Erosion influenced by climate, rock strength, and tectonic history in the Guadalupe Mountains of West Texas and Southeast New Mexico, FACETS II - Feedbacks Among Climate, Erosion, and Tectonics.
Csanda, D. and Tranel, L.M., (2016), The effects of glacial and fluvial transport on detrital apatite minerals, Abstracts with Programs-Geological Society of America, v. 48.
Happel, A.A., Tranel, L.M., Neundorff, J.A., Garber, K.L., Schaefer, K.N., Babin, J.T., and Cremer, C., (2016), Evaluating fault line escarpment exposure in the Guadalupe Mountains of West Texas and New Mexico, Abstracts with Programs-Geological Society of America, v. 48.
Salinas, C. and Tranel, L.M., (2016), Investigating recently active faults based on the geomorphology of ephemeral channels in the Guadalupe and Brokeoff Mountains, West Texas and Southeastern New Mexico, Abstracts with Programs-Geological Society of America, v. 48.
Schoenmann, S., Tranel, L.M., Garber, K.L., Neundorff, J.A., Schaefer, K.N., (2016), Evaluating relationships between rock strength and landscape evolution in the southern Guadalupe Mountains, Texas, Abstracts with Programs-Geological Society of America, v. 48.
Tranel, L.M. and Garber, K. (2016), Spatial Evaluation of Stream Erosion and Knickpoint Evolution using Detrital Mineral Tracers and Rock Strength, Illinois Geographical Society Annual Meeting.

Grants & Contracts

Spatial evaluation of stream erosion and knickpoint evolution using detrital minerals tracers. Illinois Geographical Society. Private. (2015)
EVALUATION OF APATITE AGE DISTRIBUTIONS BETWEEN GRAVEL AND SAND SEDIMENTS IN GLACIAL AND FLUVIAL DEPOSITS. University Research Grant Program, College of Arts and Sciences. Illinois State University. (2014)
Evaluation of knickpoint erosion using detrital apatite thermochronology. Early Career Researcher, British Society for Geomorphology. Other. (2014)
Quantifying variable erosion rates of surface processes in the Teton Range. Association of American Geographers. Other. (2014)
Using Cosmogenic Nuclides to Evaluate Uplift and Erosion of the Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico. Undergraduate New Investigator, American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund. Other. (2014)