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Dr. Lucian Ionescu

STV Stevenson Hall 312J
  • About
  • Education
  • Awards & Honors
  • Research


With a thorough expertise in computer science and software design, my research is application-oriented in mathematical-physics. I teach at Il. St.U, was visiting professor at Wesleyan U. and several times visitor at the Institute des Hautes Etudes Scientifique, Paris, France.

Current Courses

120.004Finite Mathematics

146.004Calculus II

320.001History Of Mathematics

349.001Introduction To Complex Analysis

Teaching Interests & Areas

Topology and differential geometry, abstract algebra, calculus, quantum computing, differential equations, number theory ...

Research Interests & Areas

Applications of mathematics (homological algebra methods and deformation theory) to quantum physics and quantum computing ... it's just a different kind of Calculus, where discrete changes are modeled as processes: Quantum Information Dynamics. An example desk-top application? Quantum Optics! (For more info see My Books ) My current research, as of 2010 or so, is in Number Theory as the Ultimate Physics Theory.

Other Cohomological Physics

Institute des Hautes Etude Scientifique
Bures sur Yvette, France

Ph D Category Theory and Homological Algebra

Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS

MS Mathematical-Physics

Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS

Other Mathematics

Bucharest University
Bucharest, Romania

MS Operator Theory

Bucharest University
Bucharest, Romania

BS Mathematics

Bucharest University
Bucharest, Romania

Other Computer Science

Dr. Petru-Groza High School of Informatics
Bucharest, Romania

ISU Research Initiative Award

Illinois State University

ISU Research Initiative Award

Illinois State University

ISU Award for Department's 2004 Pre-tenure Outstanding Research


ISU Award for Department’s 2004 Pre-tenure Outstanding Research.

Illinois State University

Kappa Phi Kappa Honor Society

Kappa Phi Kappa Honor Society

KSU Award for Outstanding Graduate Student in Academics

Kansas State University

Creative Works/Broadcast Media

Ionescu, L. Hodge structures and Motives (2020)

Technical Report

Ionescu, L. Infotronics: Theory and Experiment (2009)


Gravity Control Technology: Build a Levitating Board!?. Tesla-Tech Extraordinary Conference. (2024)
On Gravity and Gravity Anisotropic Metamaterials. 10th International Conference on Advanced Materials, ROCAM 2024. (2024)
On Some Programs in Mathematical-Physics – Part II: Langlands and Beyond. ISU Pure and Applied Mathematics Seminar. (2024)
On Some Programs in Mathematical-Physics – Part I: Galois, Klein, Lie and Noether. ISU UG Colloquium. (2024)
Rethinking Real Numbers. ISU Pure and Applied Mathematics Seminar. (2024)

Grants & Contracts

Research on Moduli spaces and Motives. Institute des Hautes Etude Scientifique (IHES). Other. (2020)