Jennifer Howell

- About
- Education
- Research
Current Courses
209.001French Phonetics
203.001Nations And Narration AMALI: Africa
Teaching Interests & Areas
Francophone Literatures & Cultures, French for Business & the Professions, Composition & Conversation, North African Literature in Translation
Research Interests & Areas
Francophone North Africa, Francophone Literatures of the African and Vietnamese Diasporas, Photography, the Graphic Novel, Crime Fiction, Ecocriticism, History & Memory
Ph D French and Francophone World Studies
Other English
MA French
BA French
BS Biological Sciences
Book Review
Book, Authored
Howell, Jennifer. The Algerian War in French-Language Comics: Postcolonial Memory, History, and Subjectivity. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2015.
Book, Chapter
Howell, Jennifer. “Reconstructing Harki Sites of Memory in the Graphic Novel.” In A Practical Guide to French Harki Literature. Edited by Keith Moser. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2014. 187-207.
Howell, Jennifer. “A Father’s Pain, a Daughter’s Story: Transcending the Trauma of Loss.” The Unspeakable: Representations of Trauma in Francophone Literature and Art. Névine El Nossery and Amy Hubbell, ed. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013. 285-304.
Journal Article
Howell, Jennifer. “À chaque recette son histoire: Viet Kieu Food Writing and the Emergence of a Transnational Poetics.” Contemporary French & Francophone Studies, special issue: “Reorienting Culture Flows, France-Asia.” Forthcoming 2016.
Howell, Jennifer. “Investigating the Enforced Disappearances of Algeria’s ‘Dark Decade’: Omar D’s and Kamel Khélif’s Commemorative Art Projects.” Journal of North African Studies, special issue: “Maghrebi Artistic and Literary Expressions in the 21st Century.” Forthcoming 2016.
Howell, Jennifer. “Comics and the Demystification of France’s Immigration ‘Problem’: Reading Christophe Dabitch’s Immigrants.” Modern & Contemporary France 23.4 (2015): 1-20.
Howell, Jennifer. “Contes et légendes en filigrane: Lacunes et silences dans la transmission d’une mémoire vietnamienne chez Minh Tran Huy.” Women in French Studies: Forthcoming 2015.
Howell, Jennifer. “Vietnamese Foodways and Viet Kieu Postmemory in Clément Baloup’s Graphic Narratives.” European Comic Art 8.1 (2015): 25-51.