Dr. John Baldwin
School of Communication
FEL Fell Hall 420
Office Hours
TR 12:30-3:30
Office Phone
- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
John Baldwin has a B.A. and M.A. from Abilene Christian University and Ph.D. from Arizona State University (1994). He has been at ISU since 1994.
Current Courses
225.001Nonverbal Communication
370.001Psychology Of Language
472.001Seminar In Intercultural/Interethnic Communication
372.001Theory & Research In Intercultural Communication
Teaching Interests & Areas
Intercultural communication, communication theory, qualitative research methods, psychology of language
Research Interests & Areas
areas of culture and communication, including adaptation and competence, interethnic communication, prejudice, stereotypes, and the construction of racial and national identities in Brazilian popular music
Ph D Communication
Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona
MA Communication
Abilene Christian University
Abilene, Texas
BA Missiology
Abilene Christian University
Abilene, Texas
John A. Dossey Award for Outstanding Teaching
College of Arts and Sciences
Outstanding College Teacher Award (Humanities)
College of Arts and Sciences
Outstanding Faculty Member
Dean of Students Office and Diversity Advocacy
Book, Chapter
Chidester, P., & Baldwin, J. Shattering myths: Brazil's Tropicalia movement. Lauren Shaw (EDs), Song and social change in Latin America. Lexington (2013): 27-48.
Courtright, J., Wolfe, R., & Baldwin, J. Intercultural typologies and public relations research: A critique of Hofstede's dimensions. N. Bardhan & C. K. Weaver (EDs), Public Relations in Global Cultural Contexts: Multiparadigmatic Perspectives. Routledge (2011): 108-139.
Zompetti, J., Baldwin, J., & Lippert, L. The Internationalization of a Communication Studies Major: A Global Redesign. Paaige K. Turner, Soumia Bardhan, Tracey Quigley Holden & Edda Mbula Mutua (EDs), Internationalizing the Communication Curriculum in an Age of Globalization: Why, What, and How
Journal Article
Gyamfi, P.A., Lippert, L., Baldwin, J.R., & Hooker, J.F. (2021). Predictors of patient satisfaction and perceived quality of healthcare: College healthcare providers and students' communication. Journal of American College Health, 69. https://doi-org.libproxy.lib.ilstu.edu/10.1080/07448481.2021.1891916
Baldwin, J. Reconsiderando cultura, contracultura, e nação através das lentes da Tropicalia [Reconsidering culture, counterculture, and nation through the lens of Tropicalia]. Revista Brasileira de Ciências da Comunicação 33 (2010): 103-123.
Jones, A., Hunt, S., Simonds, C., Comadena, M., & Baldwin, J. Speech laboratories: An exploratory examination of potential pedagogical effects on students. Basic Communication Course Annual 16 (2004): 105-138.
Baldwin, J., & Hunt, S. Information-seeking behavior in intercultural and intergroup communication. Human Communication Research 28 (2002): 272-286.
Carr, C. T., Baldwin, J. R., Lippert, L. R., & Hunt, S. K. (2015, November). A chilling effect: Analysis of the effects of Institutional Review Board (IRB) communication on faculty. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Las Vegas, NV.
Curriculum across the Curriculum: Using Intro-to-Major and Capstone Courses for Curriculum Integration. CTLT Symposium. CTLT. (2014)
A cross-cultural study of teacher credibility in relation to teacher clarity and nonverbal immediacy. Multiculturalism: Perspectives from Australia, Canada, China. (2011)
Cultural schemas in German and US American Classrooms: A cross-cultural comparison. Annual Meeting of the National Communication Association. (2011)
Paradigms in space: Understanding underlying assumptions in communication theory. Annual Meeting of the Central States Communication Association. (2011)
Performing communicative functions in development projects: An exploratory study of development practices in Tanzania. Annual Meeting of the National Communication Association. (2011)
"Race" in MPB and Milton Nascimento. Ethnic Studies Brownbag Luncheon. (2011)