Dr. Jennine Harvey-Northrop
- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
Jennine Harvey-Northrop is an Associate Professor at Illinois State University in the Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders. Dr. Harvey-Northrop has been a practicing speech-language pathologist for over 16 years. Her clinical specialty is in the area of adult acquired neurogenic communication disorders, including individuals with aphasia, mild cognitive impairment, dementia, and traumatic brain injury. Dr. Harvey-Northrop's research investigates cognitive aging, cognitive and language interventions, dual-task, speech-in-noise, virtual reality for speech-language pathology rehabilitation, interprofessional practice, and scholarship of teaching and learning. Clinical programs include Brain Aerobics, Communication Designs, and #Golden Tweets programs.
Current Courses
404.001Acquired Language and Cognitive-Communication Disorders
210.003Neurobasis Of Speech, Language, And Hearing
210.004Neurobasis Of Speech, Language, And Hearing
Teaching Interests & Areas
Undergraduate CSD 210 Neurobasis of Speech, Language, and Hearing
Graduate CSD: 402 Cognition and Language Across the Lifespan I: Foundation
Graduate CSD: 403 Cognition and Language Across the Lifespan II: Differential Diagnosis
Graduate CSD: 404 Cognition and Language Across the Lifespan III: Intervention
Graduate CSD: 410 Neurobasis of Communication Disorders
Graduate CSD 414 Dysphagia
Graduate CSD 419 Aphasia
Graduate CSD 449 Cognitive Intervention & Wellness Seminar
Graduate CSD 444 Motor Speech Disorders
Research Interests & Areas
Research Specialty: Cognition & Aging
Current research projects in the Neurologic Communication Disorders and Cognitive Wellness Lab:
1) Cognitive Interventions for persons with Normal Cognitive Aging, Mild Cognitive Impairment, Dementia, and Aphasia
2) Virtual Reality for Rehabilitation in Speech-Language Pathology
3) Dual task design
4) Speech in noise environments
5) Social Media and Cognitive function
6) Inter-disciplinary Learning
Collaborator with the Adult Treatment and Wellness Program, a division of the Eckelmann-Taylor Speech and Hearing Clinic at ISU
Ph D Speech and Hearing Science
MA Communicative Disorders
BS Communicative Disorders
Illinois State University Civic Engagement, Unit Award
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Travel Grant FY19
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Travel Grant FY16
Walk the Talk Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Award at Illinois State University
Book, Chapter
case study from speech-language pathology. In Friberg, J. C., Visconti, C. F., & Ginsberg, S., M. (Eds), Case studies in evidence-based education: A resources for teaching in clinical professions. Thorofare, NJ: Slack Publishing.
Journal Article
Harvey, J.M.T. & Vinney, L.A (2019). Bridging the gap: An approach to facilitating integrated application of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology in graduate-level speech-language pathology across the semester. Teaching and Learning in Communication Sciences and Disorder, 3(2), Article 6.
intergenerational learning: A pilot study with CSD graduate students and older adults. Perspectives, SIG 15 Gerontology doi.org/10.1044/2019_PERS-SIG15-2018-0004. (Invited Manuscript)
Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, DOI:
Vinney, L.A, & Harvey, J.M.T. (2017). Bridging the Gap: An Integrated Approach to Facilitating Foundational Learning of Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology in Graduate-Level Speech-Language Pathology Coursework. Journal of Teaching and Learning in Communication Sciences and Disorders, 1(2), Article 1.
Analysis Treatments in Virtual Reality: A Pilot Study. OSF Innovation Academic Incubator Symposium, Peoria, IL.
Impact of Virtual Reality on Normally Aging Adults: A Pilot Study in Semantic Feature Analysis. Convention of the World Congress for Neurorehabilitation, Vienna, Austria (Virtual Conference).