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Dr. Jennifer Friberg

Ed.D., CCC-SLP, ASHA Fellow
VP and Provost
Office Hours
  • About
  • Education
  • Awards & Honors
  • Research

Teaching Interests & Areas

child language development and disorders, assessment, and professional issues in communication sciences and disorders.

Research Interests & Areas

scholarship of teaching and learning, specifically the impact of out-of-class learning, mentoring in SoTL, application of SoTL beyond the single classroom, and SoTL advocacy

EDD Curriculum and Instruction

Illinois State University
Normal, IL

MA Speech-Language Pathology

Indiana University
Bloomington, IN

BA Communicative Disorders

San Diego State University
San Diego, CA

Illinois State University College of Education Hall of Fame


STAR Team Award

Dean of Students Office at ISU

ASHA Fellow

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

Editor's Award

Contemporary Issues in Communication Sciences and Disorders (peer reviewed journal)

Dr. John Chizmar and Dr. Anthony Ostrosky Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Award

Cross Endowed Chair in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Outstanding University Professor

Red Tassel Mortarobard Society

Professor of the Year

National Student Speech-Languge-Hearing Assocation

Excellence Award for Outstanding Teaching by a Pre-Tenure Faculty Member

College of Arts and Sciences

Teaching Initiative Award

Illinois State University

Outstanding Professor Award

Panhellenic Association

Book, Authored

Ginsberg, S., Friberg, J., & Visconti, C. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology: Evidenced-Based Education. Plural Publishing (2012)

Book, Chapter

Vinney L.A. & Friberg J.C. (2017). The laryngeal cancer care team: Diagnosis through treatment. In Friberg J.C. & Vinney, L.A. (Eds.) Laryngeal Cancer: An Interdisciplinary Resource for Practitioners. Thorofare, NJ: Slack Publishing, Inc.

Ginsberg, S., Friberg, J., & Visconti, C. Teaching and learning in speech-language pathology and audiology. Evidence-based education: Promoting best practices in the teaching and learning of health profession students. Radcliffe Publishing (2015)
Friberg, J., & Little, S. Global language impairment in a preschooler with autism. Speech-language pathology casebook. Thieme Medical Publishers

Book, Edited

Friberg, J., & McKinney, D. Conducting and applying the scholarship of teaching and learning beyond the individual classroom level. Indiana University Press

Journal Article

Vinney, L. A., Friberg, J. C., & Smyers, M. M. (in press). Perspective-taking as a mechanism to improve metacognition and higher-level thinking in undergraduate speech-language pathology students. Journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 19(3), 91-104.

Smyers, M., Friberg, J., & Vinney, L. Navigating the waters of SoTL research as a student co-inquirer. Teaching and Learning in Communication Sciences and Disorders 2.1 (2018): 5.
Friberg, J., & Harbers, H. Encouraging cross-curricular integration in communication sciences and disorders. Journal of Research and Practice in College Teaching 1.1 (2016): 1-14.
Ginsberg, S., Friberg, J., & Visconti, C. Diagnostic reasoning by experienced speech-language pathologists and student clinicians. Contemporary Issues in Communication Sciences and Disorders 43.1 (2016): 87-97.
Folkins, J., Friberg, J., & Cesarini, P. University classroom design principles to facilitate learning: The instructor as advocate. Planning in Higher Education 43.2 (2015): 12.

Magazine/Trade Publication

Friberg, J., Ginsberg, S., Visconti, C., & Schober-Peterson, D. This isn’t the same old book learning: Interprofessional education and patient simulations. ASHA (2013)
Friberg, J., Folkins, J., Harten, A., & Pershey, M. Undergrad today, CSD PhD tomorrow. ASHA (2013)


Vinney, L.A. & Friberg, J.C. (2019, July). Establishing successful co-teaching relationships. Workshop presented at Illinois State University’s Faculty Summer Institute, Normal, IL.

Smyers, M., Friberg, J.C., & Vinney, L.A. (2018, November). Examining the learning of students participating in an interactive simulated patient experience. Poster presented at the 2018 American Speech-Language-Hearing Convention in Boston, MA.

Teaching for Metacognitive Awareness: Learning about Laryngeal Cancer via an Innovative Independent Study Experience. American Speech-Language-Hearing Convention. (2017)
Using Perspective-Taking Activities to Improve Metacognition. The Teaching Professor Conference. (2017)
Creating opportunities for institutional and disciplinary SoTL advocacy and growth. SoTL Commons. (2016)

Friberg, J. & Vinney, L.A (2016, October). Learning to Tell the Story of Laryngeal Cancer through an Innovative Independent Study Experience. Oral presentation at the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference, Los Angeles, CA.

Conference, Los Angeles, CA.

Friberg, J., Vinney, L.A., & Smyers, M. (2016, October). Reflecting on the Co-Inquirer Relationship: Navigating the Water of SoTL Research. Oral presentation at the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference, Los Angeles, CA.

Diagnostic decision-making in graduate students and experienced clinicians. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2015)
SoTL & research productivity: A view across the academic lifespan. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2015)
Strengthening SoTL at the institutional and disciplinary levels. EuroSoTL. (2015)

Grants & Contracts

Community Engaged Learning Grant. Center for Teaching Learning and Technology. Illinois State University. (2012)
Development and Implementation of Electronic Portfolios for Students in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders. Center for Teaching-Learning Technology (CTLT). Local. (2009)