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Dr. John Hooker

Professor and Co-Director of Communication as Critical Inquiry
School of Communication
FEL Fell Hall 441
  • About
  • Education
  • Awards & Honors
  • Research

Current Courses

400.028Independent Study

497.001Seminar in Quantitative Communication Research Methods

497.003Seminar in Quantitative Communication Research Methods

297.002Communication Research Methods

392.001Teaching Communication As Critical Inquiry

Teaching Interests & Areas

Communication Education, Communication Research Methods, Public Speaking, Communication Technologies and Impacts, Assessment

Research Interests & Areas

Communication Education, Distance learning, Assessment

Ph D Media, Technology, and Society

Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN

MA Communication

Illinois State University
Normal, IL

BA Mass Communication

Illinois State University
Normal, IL

Outstanding Service Award

School of Communication

College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Service Award

ISU College of Arts and Sciences

Stan and Sandy Rives Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Education

Illinois State University

Top paper, Instructional Resources Division

Central States Communication Association

Top panel, Basic Course Division

National Communication Association

Top 4 paper, Basic Course Division

National Communication Association

Top panel, Basic Course Division

National Communication Association

Top paper co-author, Basic Course Division

National Communication Association

Top panel, Basic Course Division

National Communication Association

Top paper panel selection

Central States Communicaton Association

Book, Chapter

Hooker, J., & Hunt, S. Introduction to Communication Research. E. L. Chupp, E. M. Thompson, & D. K. Jennings (EDs), Professional Development Guide: Academic and Career Strategies for Communication Students. Illinois State University (2011): 151-156.

Journal Article

Gyamfi, P.A., Lippert, L., Baldwin, J.R., & Hooker, J.F. (2021). Predictors of patient satisfaction and perceived quality of healthcare: College healthcare providers and students' communication. Journal of American College Health, 69.
Broeckelman-Post, M. A., Hunter, K. M., Westwick, J. N., Hosek, A., Ruiz-Mesa, K., Hooker, J. F., & Anderson, L. B. (2020). Measuring essential learning outcomes for public speaking. Basic Communication Course Annual, 32, 2-29.
Vu, N. C., Hooker, J. F., & Simonds, C. J. (2020). Cooperative, competitive, or
individualistic? Exploring the role of social interdependence in the classroom. Communication Education,

Hooker, J. F.  (2019) "I have a student who ...": Systematically addressing student misbehaviors in the basic course. Basic Communication Course Annual, 31, 186-189. 
Available at:

Simonds, C. J., & Hooker, J. F. (2018). Creating a culture of accommodation in the public-speaking course. Communication Education, 67(3), 393-399. doi: 10.1080/03634523.2018.1465190

Textbook, Revised

Simonds, C., & Hooker, J. Com 110: Communication as Critical Inquiry Supplementary Materials Packet Fall 2014 (2014)


Simonds, C. J., Hooker, J., Hunt, S. K., Aboagye, D. N., Vu, N., Mazer, J. Hosek, A. M., Sikapokoo, G. O., Ikram, I., Hingle, A., & Adebayo, A. L. (2020, April). Exploring internationalizing the basic course: Crossing borders and making breakthroughs. Panel accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the Central States Communication Association, Chicago, IL. (Conference canceled) (Melissa Beall Top Competitive Panel Award, Basic Course Interest Group)

Frey, T. K., Simonds, C. J., Hooker, J. F., Meyer, K. R., & Hunt, S. K. (2017, November). Assessment in the basic communication course: Evaluating a criterion-based speech evaluation training program for students. Presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Dallas, TX.
Elevating mediated educational discourse: A generational examination of teacher-student Facebook use and the effects on perceived instructor immediacy. Annual meeting of the Central States Communication Association. Central States Communication Association. (2014)
Connecting the NCA credo for ethical communication to assessment in the basic communication course: The development of the ethical communication self-assessment scale. Annual Meeting of the National Communication Association. National Communication Association. (2013)
Promoting a culture of scholarship and professional development in MA programs: Developing the voice of our graduate students. The Annual Conference of the National Communication Association. National Communication Association. (2011)
Teachers echoing students: The impact of incorporating students’ voice through immediacy and relevance to enhance cognitive and affective learning. The Annual Conference of the National Communication Association. National Communication Association. (2011)
Voice, technology, and student critiques in the digital age. The Annual Conference of the National Communication Association. National Communication Association. (2011)
iFad or teaching tool? Exploring the educational uses of the iPad in the School of Communication. Interactive panel discussion conducted at Illinois State University’s 11th Annual Teaching & Learning Symposium. Illinois State University Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology. (2011)
“Sustainable Teaching in General Education: Critical Inquiry in English 101, Com 110, and Milner Library”. CTLT Annual University Wide Symposium on Teaching and Learning. CTLT. (2010)
Critical Inquiry in the First Year. Innovative Partnerships for Student Learning, Working & Learning Together. Heartland Community College; Illinois State University; Illinois Wesleyan University. (2008)