Dr. John Sedbrook
Professor of Genetics
School of Biological Sciences

SLB Science Laboratory Building 127
Office Phone
- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
Current Courses
499.008Independent Research For The Master's Thesis
599.008Research In The Biological Sciences
299.005Independent Honor Study
499.008Independent Research For The Master's Thesis
499.108Independent Research For The Master's Thesis Last Term
290.027Research In Biological Sciences
599.008Research In The Biological Sciences
599.108Research In The Biological Sciences Final Term
Ph D Genetics
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Induction into the ISU $1 million Club
Illinois State University
Journal Article
Nunn, A., Rodríguez-Arévalo, I., Tandukar, Z., Frels, K., Contreras-Garrido, A., Carbonell-Bejerano, P., Zhang, P., Ramos-Cruz, D., Jandrasits, K., Lanz, C., Brusa, A., Mirouze, M., Dorn, K., Jarvis, B., Sedbrook, J., Wyse, D., Otto, C., Langenberger, D., Stadler, P. F., Weigel, D., Marks, M. D., Anderson, J. A., Becker, C., and Chopra, R. (2022) Chromosome-level Thlaspi arvense genome provides new tools for translational research and for a newly domesticated cash cover crop of the cooler climates. 20: 944-963. DOI: 10.1111/pbi.13775
Esfahanian, M., Nazarenus, T.J., Freund, M.M., McIntosh, G., Phippen, W.B., Phippen, M.E., Durrett, T.P., Cahoon, E.B., and Sedbrook, J.C. (2021) Generating pennycress (Thlaspi arvense) seed triacylglycerols and acetyl-triacylglycerols containing medium-chain fatty acids. Frontiers in Energy Research-Bioenergy. 10:620118. doi: 10.3389/fenrg.2021.620118
Pant, S.R., Irigoyen, S., Liu, J., Bedre, R., Christensen, S.A., Schmelz, E.A., Sedbrook, J.C., Scholthof, K.-B.G., and Mandadi, K.K. (2021). Brachypodium phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) promotes antiviral defenses against Panicum mosaic virus and its satellites. mBio 12: e03518-20. https://doi.org/10.1128/mBio
Zhang, L., Smertenko, T., Fahy, D., Koteyeva, N., Moroz, N., Kuchařová, A., Novák, D., Manoilov, E., Smertenko, P., Galva, C., Šamaj, J., Kostyukova, A.S., Sedbrook, J.C., and Smertenko, A. (2021) Analysis of formin functions during cytokinesis using specific inhibitor SMIFH2. Plant Physiology, kiab085, https://doi.org/10.1093/plphys/kiab085
Sedbrook, J.C. and Durrett, T.P. (2020) Pennycress, carbon wise: labeling experiments reveal how pennycress seeds efficiently incorporate carbon into biomass. J. Exp. Botany 71: 2842-2846. https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/eraa136
Developing pennycress into an oilseed cash cover crop named CoverCress.. ISU Community partners Breakfast hosted by President Kinzy. (2022)
Using agricultural biotechnology to rapidly domesticate pennycress and the opportunity that this cover crop and oilseed crop has to mitigate climate change. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation High Level Policy Dialogue on Agricultural Biotechnology. Agriculture & Food Systems Institute. (2022)
Acceptance of gene edited crops for regenerative agriculture.. Cooperative Governance Pilot Project: Gene Editing Crops for Regenerative Agriculture. University of Minnesota. (2021)
Gene editing in Pennycress, a new oilseed cash cover crop. Gene Edited Plants: Context and Communication for Plant Breeding Innovation. Agriculture & Food Systems Institute. (2021)
Covercress (domesticated pennycress) Economic, environmental, and social opportunities throughout Illinois.. Lab/facilities tour and briefing to U.S. Congressional Representative Rodney Davis, State of Illinois Senate Minority Leader Bill Brady, and State of Illinois Representative Dan Brady. (2019)
Covercress (domesticated pennycress) Economic, environmental, and societal opportunities throughout Illinois.. Briefing, Illinois Farm Bureau. (2019)
From Weed to Cash: Researchers Genetically Engineer Pennycress.. WGLT News story on USDA funding of $10 million IPREFER project. (2019)
ISU researchers see potential to make dollars with pennycress.. Pantagraph News story on USDA funding of $10 million IPREFER project. (2019)
Innovation in Agriculture: What Does Gene Editing Mean for the Future?. House Agriculture Research Caucus, Washington D.C. Capital Hill. (2019)
Pennycress as a Cash Cover Crop:Value Proposition. Cooperative Governance Workshop on gene editing. (2019)
Grants & Contracts
Interrogating pennycress natural and induced variation to improve abiotic stress tolerance and oilseed bioenergy crop resilience. U.S. Department of Energy. Federal. (2020)
Interrogating pennycress natural and induced variation to improve abiotic stress tolerance and oilseed bioenergy crop resilience. DOE BER. Federal. (2020)
Oilseed Pennycress: A new cash cover-crop for the Midwest $10,000,000. US Department of Agriculture. Federal. (2019)
Genetic improvement of seed yield and oil content in field pennycress, a non-food oilseed feedstock.. USDA. Federal. (2018)
MRI: Acquisition of a laser scanning confocal microscope within a core facility for research and training at Illinois State University. National Science Foundation. Federal. (2018)