Patxi Lascurain Ibarlucea
Associate Professor
Lang Literatures & Cultures
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Current Courses
112.003Beginning Spanish
400.001Independent Studies In Foreign Language
213.003Written Communication In Spanish
213.004Written Communication In Spanish
Ph D
University of Texas
New Faculty Grant initiative
Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
The University of Texas Graduate School Mike Hogg Continuing Fellowship for the academic year 2009-2010
University of Texas at Austin
Book, Chapter
Lascurain, P. Subjective Comment Matrices and Pragmatic Assertion: A Case of Mood Distribution in Spanish. Pragmatics and Context. Antares Publishers (2010)
The Multilingual Linguistic Landscape of the Spanish Basque Country border city of Irun.. Multilingual Awareness and Multilingual Practices. Thomas Moore University, University of Applied Sciences. (2020)
Mood distribution in Spanish Complements and the pragmatic articulation of utterances. 1st AMPRA (American Pragmatics) & 5th ICUP International Conference. University of North Carolina. (2012)
Discourse motivation of the Subjunctive Mood in the Complement of Negation and Doubt matrices. Linguistics conference. Cognition, Conduct, and Communication: CCC 2011. (2011)
Focus fronting in the Spanish of the Basque Country. Linguistics conference. Information Structure and Subordination: South America and Beyond. (2011)
Negation and Doubt Complements in Spanish. Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics. Information Structure and Subordination. (2011)
Brazilian Portuguese in contact with Spanish: the inflected infinitive. Latin American Studies Association (LASA) 2009 convention: Rethinking inequalities. (2009)
Grants & Contracts
Dealing with the Information Structure of the Spanish of the Basque Country. New Faculty Initiative Grant (NFIG).