Dr. Gaywalee Yamskulna

STV Stevenson Hall 313
Office Phone
- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
Current Courses
146.002Calculus II
146.004Calculus II
499.002Independent Research For The Master's Thesis
400.001Independent Study
Research Interests & Areas
Vertex operator algebras. For more information about Yamskulna's research, please visit https://about.illinoisstate.edu/gyamsku/.
Ph D Mathematics
University of California at Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, California
BS Mathematics
Chulalongkorn University
Bangkok, Thailand
Please visit https://about.illinoisstate.edu/gyamsku/ for more information about Yamskulna's Awards and Honors.
Research group leaders grant from Women in Mathematical Physics workshop, September 20-25, 2020 (with K. Barron).
Banff International Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery, Alberta, Canada
Summer for Women in Mathematics (SWiM) Research Program Award (2020), Reschedules for Summer 2021 (with D. Addabbo, and K. Barron).
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI)
CAS Outstanding College Teacher (Sciences & Mathematics), 2018-2019
College of Arts and Sciences, Illinois State University
Departmental Outstanding Teacher Award
Department of Mathematics, Illinois State University
Grant from National Science Foundation, 2018-2019 (with M. Krauel)
Impact Award
Illinois State University
SQuare Grant from the American Institute of Mathematics (with M. Krauel, G. Mason and M. Tuite), 2017-2020
Collaboration Grant for Mathematics from the Simons Foundation, 2011-2017
Grant from National Science Foundation, 2008-2010 (with W. Zhao)
Book Review
Yamskulna, G. The Beautiful Monster. Educational Studies in Mathematics 70 (2009): 295-298.
Journal Article
Yamskulna, G., & Mason, G. On the structure of N-graded Vertex Operator Algebras. Developments and Retrospectives in Lie Theory, Algebraic Methods, Developments in Mathematics 38.Springer 2014 Edition (2014): 247-274.
Yamskulna, G., & Mason, G. Leibniz and Lie algebras. SIGMA 9.063 (2013): 10 pages.
Yamskulna, G., & Jitjankarn, P. C_2-cofiniteness of the vertex algebra (V_L)^+ when L is a non-degernate even lattice. Communications in Algebra 38.12 (2010): 4404-4415.
Yamskulna, G. Rationality of the vertex algebra (V_L)^+ when L is a nondegenerate even lattice of arbitrary rank. Journal of Algebra 321 (2009): 1005-1015.
Yamskulna, G. Classification of irreducible modules of the vertex algebra (V_L)^+ when L is a nondegenerate even lattice of an arbitrary rank. Journal of Algebra 320 (2008): 2455-2480.
On Indecomposable N-graded Vertex Algebras. Representation XVI Conference. (2019)
On N-graded vertex algebras associated with Leibniz algebras. Vertex Operator Algebras and Related Toics. (2019)
On N-graded vertex operator algebras. Colloquium in Mathematics at Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. Chulalongkorn University. (2019)
Vertex Algebras. Workshop on Vertex Algebras. Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Thammasat University. (2019)
From Lattices to Vertex Operator Algebras. International Conference on Discrete Mathematics and Applied Sciences. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce. (2014)
Recent developments in the theory of shifted vertex operator algebra. Kyoto University. (2010)
Recent developments in the theory of shifted vertex operator algebra. University of Southern California. Lie Groups, Lie Algebras and their Representations. (2010)
Rationality of the Vertex Algebra VL+ when L is a non-degenerate even lattice of arbitrary rank. Algebraic Geometry, Algebra and Number Theory seminar. University of Texas. (2009)
Rationality of the Vertex Algebra VL+ when L is a non-degenerate even lattice of arbitrary rank. American Mathematical Society meeting Special Session on Kac-Moody Algebras, Vertex Algebras, Quantum Groups and Applications. North Carolina State University. (2009)
Grants & Contracts
Classification of Vertex Operator Algebras and their modules. The Simons Foundation. (2011)
Illinois State University Pre-tenured Faculty Initiative Award. Illinois State University. Illinois State University. (2006)
Mentoring Travel Grant. National Science Foundation-Association for women in Mathematics. (2003)
Travel Grant. Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Los Angeles. (2001)