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Professor Gary L Cates

Professor of Psychology
DEG Degarmo Hall 443
  • About
  • Education
  • Research


Train school psychology students and conduct research in the areas of academic assessment and intervention from an applied behavior analytic perspective. Service contributions are consistent with my research/teaching interests.

Current Courses

439.001Application of Theories and Technologies in Learning

435.001Academic Assessment And Intervention

439.001Application of Theories and Technologies in Learning

599.008Doctoral Research In Psychology

436.001Practicum: Psychoeducational Assessment and Intervention

480.001Seminar In Psychology: Psychological Methods I

290.008Special Projects: Research Apprenticeship

Teaching Interests & Areas

Behavior Analysis, Academic Assessment and Intervention, Assessment/Intervention Practicum

Research Interests & Areas

Behavior Analysis in Educational Settings, Curriculum Based Measurement, Response to Intervention, Intervention Efficiency and Effectiveness, Choice Responding, Academic Assessment and Intervention.

BS Psychology

Lake Superior State University
Marie, Michigan

MS Educational Psychology

Mississippi State University
Mississippi State, Mississippi

Ph D Educational/School Psychology

Mississippi State University
Mississippi State, Mississippi

Book, Authored

Gadke, D., Cates, G., & Swerdlik, M. What is RtI?. J.P. Bakken (EDs), RtI in the core content areas.. Prjfrock Press, Inc. (2012): 1-21.
Cates, G., Burns, M., & Joseph, L. Academic Intervention Research. Wiley-Blackwell (2010)

Book, Chapter

Kasky-Hernández, L., & Cates, G. Role of Psychologists in Interdisciplinary Relations in Special Education. Interdisciplinary Connections to Special Education: Important Aspects to Consider. Emerald Group Publishing Limited (2015): 81–94.
Cates, G. Data-based decision making across a multi-tiered system of support. J. Bakken (EDs), Response to Intervention: A Practical Approach (2012)
Kreissl, C., Linnell, J., & Cates, G. The collaborative school psychologist. C. Simpson & J. Bakken (EDs), Collaboration: A Multidisciplinary approach to Educating Students with Disabilities. Prufrock Press Inc (2012)

Journal Article

Bramlett, R., Cates, G., Savina, E., & Lauinger, B. Assessing effectiveness and efficiency of academic interventions in school psychology journals: 1995–2005. Psychology in the Schools 47.2 (2010): 114–125.
Cates, G., Burns, M., & Joseph, L. Introduction to the special issue: Instructional efficiency and the impact on learning and data-based decision making. Psychology in the Schools 47.2 (2010): 111–113.
Grafman, J., & Cates, G. The differential effects of two self-managed math instruction procedures: Cover, Copy, and Compare versus Copy, Cover, and Compare. Psychology in the Schools 47.2 (2010): 153–165.
Baker, P., Bakken, J., Blum, C., Cates, G., Swerdlik, M., Sylvester, B., & Thompson, J. Developing learning-centered schools with a comprehensive system of student support. Fourth International Association for Positive Behavior Support Conference, Boston, MA (2007)
Cates, G., Thomason, K., Havey, M., & McCormick, C. A preliminary investigation of the effects of reading fluency interventions on comprehension: Using brief experimental analysis to select reading interventions. Journal of Applied School Psychology 23.1 (2007): 133–154.

Textbook, New

Gadke, D., Cates, G., & Swerdlik, M. Introduction to response to intervention. J. Bakken (EDs), Response to Intervention: A Practical Approach (2012)

Cates, G.L. , Blum, C., & Swerdlik, M.E. (2011). Effective RTI Training and Practices: Helping School and District Teams Improve Academic Performance and Social Behavior. Champaign, IL: Research Press. 


Individualized Academic Assessment and Intervention. School Support Personnel In-Service. St. Charles School District. (2018)
Individualized Assessment and Intervention Revisted. School Support Personnel In-Service. (2018)
Data-Based Decision Making Using Single-Case Design Methodologies. Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists. (2016)
Designing Effective Curriculum Based Evaluations: Applications Within an RTI Model.. Annual Convention for the National Association School Psychologists. National Associaiton of School Psychologists. (2016)
Effect of direct vocabulary instruction on reading accuracy and fluency.. Annual Convention of The National Association of School Psycholgists. National Association of School Psychology. (2016)
Mathematics Intervention and Assessment Acceptability: A literature Review. Annual Convention of National Association of School Psychology. National Assocation of School Psychology. (2016)
Noncontingent Praise: A Practical Evidence-Based Classroom Intervention. Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists. National Association of School Psychology. (2016)
Best Practices in Data-Based Decision Making Within an RTI Model (2012)
Evaluation of Illinois' statewide RtI implementation: Final outcomes and impact.. Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists. National Association of School Psychologists. (2012)
From Vision to Implementation: Sustaining RTI in schools. Illinois School Psychology Internship Consortium Conference. (2012)