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Professor Gregory Ferrence

Professor of Chemistry
SLB Science Laboratory Building 305
Office Hours
Mon. 12-1 pm & Tues. 3:30 - 4:30
  • About
  • Education
  • Awards & Honors
  • Research

Current Courses

480.091Topics in Chemistry: X-Ray Diffractometry

110.001Fundamentals Of Chemistry

110.002Fundamentals Of Chemistry

250.001Fundamentals Of Inorganic Chemistry

251.002Fundamentals Of Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory

299.007Independent Honor Study In Chemistry

499.007Independent Research For The Master's Thesis

290.007Research in Chemistry

490.007Research In Chemistry

Research Interests & Areas

X-ray crystallography, metal-organic chemistry, chemical education, f-element chemistry.

Other organoactinide chemistry

Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos, NM

Other organolanthanide chemistry

University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alta., Canada

Ph D Inorganic Chemistry

Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN

BS Chemistry

Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana, PA

Distinguished Service Award

Illinois Heartland Local Section of the American Chemical Society

ACS Fellow (for outstanding achievements in and contributions to science, the profession, and the Society)

American Chemical Society

Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC)

Royal Society of Chemistry

FY 2014 Outstanding College Service Award

College of Arts and Sciences

Impact Award

ISU University College

2009 Chemist of the Year

Illinois Heartland Local Section of the American Chemical Society

John A. Dossey Award for Outstanding Teaching by a Tenured Faculty Member

Illinois State University College of Arts and Sciences

One Million Dollar Club

Illinois State University

Outstanding University Teacher

Illinois State University

College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding College Teacher

Illinois State University

Journal Article

Ferrence, G., Tovee, C., Holgate, S., Johnson, N., Lightfoot, M., Nowakowska-Orzechowska, K., & Ward, S. CSD Communications of the Cambridge Structural Database. IUCrJ 10 (2023): 6-15.
Amason, E., Rajabimoghadam, K., Baughman, N., Ghareeb, C., Bourgeois, S., Channita, K., Manacsa, G., Popp, B., Garcia-Bosch, I., Ferrence, G., & Joslin, E. Synthesis and reactivity of ampy-based ruthenium(II) catalysts for transfer hydrogenation of ketones. Organometallics 41.6 (2022): 686-697.
Bosch, E., Ferrence, G., Powell, C., Unruh, D., Krueger, H., & Groeneman, R. Cooperative non-covalent interactions and synthetic feed as driving forces to structural diversity within organic co-crystals containing isosteric perhalobenzenes. CrystEngComm 24 (2022): 3841-3845.
Powell, C., Ferrence, G., Bosch, E., & Groeneman, R. Engineering solid-state photoreactivity within silver(I) organosulfonate complexes containing an ester-functionalized reactant molecule. Journal of Coordination Chemistry 75.11-14 (2022): 1596-1605.
Witte, J., Service, J., Addo, M., Semakieh, B., Collins, E., Sams, C., Dorsey, T., Garrelts, E., Blumenshine, C., Cooper, T., Martinez, M., Hamaker, C., Ferrence, G., & Shawn, H. Diastereoselective and enantioselective synthesis of α-p-methoxyphenoxy-β-lactones: Dependence on the stereoelectronic properties of the β-hydroxy-α-p-methoxyphenoxycarboxylic acid precursors. Journal of Organic Chemistry 87.15 (2022): 9619-9634.

Magazine/Trade Publication

Ferrence, G. Illumination of the deposition process. Crystalline (2014): 2-3.
Gregory Ferrence, "Exploring ethics in the laboratory," inChemistry, 2013, Nov/Dec, 3, digital reprint: free reprint link.


Evaluation of crystal packing motifs observed in structures of 5-​methyl-​6-​phenyl-​4-​methyl-​1,​3,​4-​oxadiazinane-​2-​thione. 257th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition. American Chemical Society. (2019)
Steroids, alkaloids, The Beatles, Taoism and butterflies: An exploration of symmetry and pseudosymmetry. Department of Chemistry, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville. Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville. (2018)
“Introducing general chemistry students to academic safety culture through participatory case study development” in “Safety in the Academic Research Laboratory” symposium. International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem). American Chemical Society. (2015)
"Leveraging academic safety culture as a value-added tool for maximizing the undergraduate research experience” in “Safety in the Academic Research Laboratory” symposium. International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem). American Chemical Society. (2015)
Permeating the Cambridge Structural Database into chemical education. CSD50: 50 years of the Cambridge Structural Database: Origins, Influences & Directions. Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre. (2015)
"Teaching Ethics and professionalism through active learning and engagement” in “Active and Inquiry Learning in the Chemistry Classroom and Laboratory” symposium. International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem). American Chemical Society. (2015)
Generating enthusiasm for dialog (information flow) about ethical conduct and integrity in the community of chemistry and related disciplines. Wabash Local Section of the American Chemical Society. ACS. (2014)
Steroids, alkaloids, The Beatles, Taoism and butterflies - an introduction to chemical symmetry. Department of Chemistry, Rhodes College. Rhodes College. (2014)
"A Century of Small Molecule Crystal Structures," ACA 2015.
Transitioning from ALEKS use in Fundamentals of Chemistry, a one semester introduction to chemistry for applied science majors, to ALEKS use in first semester General Chemistry for science majors. HE Chemistry User Conference. ALEKS Corporation. (2013)

Grants & Contracts

MRI: Acquisition of a Single Crystal CCD X-ray Diffractometer for Research and Teaching. National Science Foundation. Federal. (2010)
MRI: Acquisition of 400 MHz NMRs for Research and Education. National Science Foundation. Federal. (2007)
Exploring New Models for Authentic Undergraduate Research with Two-Year College Students. National Science Foundation. Federal. (2006)
Exploring New Models for Authentic Undergraduate Research with Two-Year College Students:. National Science Foundation. Illinois State University. (2006)