Elke Segelcke
Lang Literatures & Cultures
- About
- Research
Current Courses
212.001European Studies: Europe Today
385.001Selected Topics In German Literature Or Culture
Book, Chapter
Segelcke, E. Akten des XII. Internationalen Germanistikkongresses Warschau 2010. Franciszek Grucza. Frankfurt a. M (EDs), Jenseits von ‘Ost’ und ‘West’: Zum Europadiskurs multipler Kulturen im Werk Zafer Şenocaks. Peter Lang (2012)
Journal Article
Segelcke, E. Cosmopolitical and Transnational Interventions in German Studies. Segelcke, Elke/B. Venkat Mani (EDs). TRANSIT 7.1 (2011): 28.
Segelcke, E. Differenzerfahrung und transnationale Grenzüberschreitung im Europadiskurs Zafer Şenocaks. TRANSIT 7.1 (2011): 22.
Segelcke, E. Jenseits von ‘Eigenem’ und ‘Fremdem’: Zu Europabild und nomadischer Schreibstrategie Zafer Şenocaks. Gegenwartsliteratur (2009): 170-191.
Imaginaries of Belonging” and the Recent Work of Zafer Senocak. German Studies Association Conference. (2012)
Reconfigurations of Space and Identity in Transnational Literature. The New Europe at the Crossroads XVI. (2012)
Tracking the Hoi Polloi’s Role in the Creation of Collective Memory. German Studies Association Conference. Memory Studies Network. (2012)
Linking the Past and Present: German-Turkish History and Integration. The New Europe at the Crossroads XV. (2011)
Vergessen und Erinnern: Deutsch-Türkische Geschichtsverknüpfungen im Werk Zafer Senocaks. German Studies Association Conference. (2011)
Deutschland 20 Jahre nach der Wende. 26th Annual Loyola College Seminar.