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Dr. Dan Lannin

Associate Professor
DEG Degarmo Hall 415
  • About
  • Education
  • Awards & Honors
  • Research


My work explores how people seek help and provide help. Through my research, consulting, and speaking, I help individuals and organizations enhance well-being, reduce stigma, and foster environments where values-driven growth and support lead to thriving communities.

Current Courses

490.023Clinical-Counseling Capstone Project

320.001History Of Psychology

410.001History Of Psychology

390.023Advanced Research Apprenticeship

490.023Clinical-Counseling Capstone Project

599.023Doctoral Research In Psychology

285.007Honors Undergraduate Research I

400.023Independent Study


391.023Scholarship Of Teaching & Learning Apprenticeship

290.023Special Projects: Research Apprenticeship

291.023Special Projects:Undergraduate Teaching

464.001Theories And Techniques Of Counseling: Adults

Teaching Interests & Areas

Clinical-Counseling Theory and Techniques, Motivation, Psychopathology, History of Psychology

Research Interests & Areas

values; stigma; self-affirmation; narcissism; help-seeking

Ph D

Iowa State University
Ames, IA

MS Psychology

Iowa State University
Ames, IA

M Div

Western Theological Seminary
Holland, MI

BA Religion and Philosophy

Hope College
Holland, MI

Outstanding Faculty Member of the Year

Psi Chi & SPA

Impact Award

Illinois State University (Office of the Provost and University College)

Outstanding College Researcher

College of Arts and Sciences, Illinois State University

Outstanding University Research Award (Research Initiative)

Illinois State University

Impact Award

Illinois State University (Office of the Provost and University College)

Outstanding University Teacher Award (Teaching Initiative)

Illinois State University

Excellence Award for Outstanding Scholarly Achievement

Illinois State University (College of Arts & Sciences)

Book, Chapter

Vogel, D. L., Heath, P. J., Brenner, R. E., Lannin, D. G., & Zhao, N. (2025). The conceptualization, measurement, and reduction of self-stigma of seeking help. In J. Siegal’s (Ed.) Handbook of Mental Health Communication. Wiley.
Lannin, D.G., & Bible, J.P. (2022). Self-stigma of seeking help: A meta-analysis. In D.L. Vogel, & N.G. Wade (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of stigma and mental health (pp. 111-142). Cambridge University Press.
Lannin, D.G., & Parris, L. (2022). Social media in clinical psychology; Ethics, guidelines, and considerations. In N. J. Kaslow & A. N. Ponce (Eds.), Comprehensive Clinical Psychology (2nd ed): Vol 2. Professional Issues (pp. 66-74). Elsevier.
Lannin, D.G., Vogel, D.L., & Heath, P. (2021). Reducing stigma through self-affirmation and related strategies. In A. Nordstrom & Wind Goodfriend (Eds.), Innovative stigma and discrimination reduction programs (pp. TBD). Taylor & Francis Routledge.
Wesselmann, E. D. & Lannin, D. G. (2024). Whistleblowers as portrayed in Media. Encyclopedia of Heroism Studies.

Journal Article

Chao, R. C. L., Wei, M., Du, Y., Carrera, S. G., Lannin, D. G., Tittler, M. V., Wang, C., Liu, S., & Frickey, E. A. (2024). Effects of a video intervention and ethnocultural empathy on racial color-blindness, White empathy, and willingness to confront White privilege. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology. Advance online publication.
Kanter, J. B., Lannin, D. G., McCaig, J., Sprecher, S., Rauer, A. J., & Yazedjian, A. (2024). The impact of specific program components on romantic relationship satisfaction. Family Relations, 73(2), 1267-1277.
Barrowclough, M., Messman, B., Lannin, D. G., Boerngen, M., & Kibler, M. (2023). Measuring mental health service preferences amongst Illinois dairy producers. Journal of Agromedicine. Advance online publication.
Grossmann, I., Rotella, A. M., Hutcherson, C., Sharpinskyi, C., Varnum, M. E. W., Achter, S., … Lannin, D. G., …Wilkening, T. (2023). Insights into accuracy of social scientists' forecasts of societal change. Nature Human Behavior, 7, 484-501.
Kanter J. B., Lannin, D. G., Rauer, A. J., & Yazedjian, A. (2023). Relational concerns and change in relationship satisfaction in a relationship education program. Family Process, 00, 1–15.

Magazine/Trade Publication

Lannin, D.G., & Scott, N. A. (February, 2014). Best practices for an online world. APA Monitor, 45(2), 57-61.
Yazedjian, A., Russell, L. T., & Lannin, D. G. (2023). Behind the curtain: Developing meaningful partnerships with schools. NCFR Report: Family Focus Behind the Scenes.
Yazedjian, A., Russell, L. T., Bible, J., & Lannin, D. G. (2021). Facilitating continuous quality improvement of programs by establishing effective collaborative teams and reciprocal cycles. NCFR Report: Family Focus on Bridging Research Practice.

Textbook, New

Lannin, D. G., & Du. Y. (2025). The art and science of helping: Developing fundamental skills in a multicultural age. Routledge.


Lannin, D. G. (2025, January). Smart goals, smarter tools: Integrating AI to enhance psychology coursework. [Presentation]. National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology. Bonita Springs, FL.
Su-Russell, C., Lannin, D., Finan, L., & Tudela, M. (2024, Nov.). History and contemporary studies of child development. Poster presented at the 86th Annual Conference of the National Council on Family Relations, Bellevue, WA.

Bible, J., Russell, L., Lannin, D., & Yazedjian, A. (2022, Nov.). Heteronormativity, variations in sexual behavior, and experience of shame and sexual satisfaction. Paper presented at the 84th Annual Conference of the National Council on Family Relations, Minneapolis, MN.
Bible, J., Lannin, D. G., Russell, L., & Yazedjian, A. (Accepted, November, 2021). Conflict and couple satisfaction: The role of partner support and self-compassion. [Poster]. National Council on Family Relations, Baltimore, MD. [Conference online]
Bible, J., Lannin, D. G., Russell, L., & Yazedjian, A. (November, 2021). Hope, relationship education, and ending abusive relationships. [Paper Session]. National Council on Family Relations, Baltimore, MD. [Conference online]
Bible, J., Russell, L., Lannin, D. G., & Yazedjian, A. (November, 2021). Lessons learned: Best-practices for assessing curriculum fidelity, participant engagement, and direct feedback. [Paper Session]. National Council on Family Relations, Baltimore, MD. [Conference online]
Boros, R., Bergner, R., & Lannin, D.G. (April, 2021). Why does belief in determinism predict the Dark Triad?. [Poster Session]. Midwestern Psychological Association Annual Conference. Chicago, IL. (Conference online)
Foreman, M., Michaels, C., Bible, J., Russell, L., Lannin, D.G., Yazedjian, A., Hynes, K., Horton, A. (April, 2021). Best practices for teachers of youth relationship education programs. [Poster Session]. Midwestern Psychological Association Annual Conference. Chicago, IL. (Conference online)
Heath, P., Coleman, C., Gladowski, J., Hoffa, M., Jorgenson, A., Wessenberger, J., & Lannin, D.G. (April, 2021). Values and help-seeking beliefs. [Poster Session]. Midwestern Psychological Association Annual Conference. Chicago, IL. (Conference online)
Hynes, K., Horton, A., Kanter, J., Russell, L., Lannin, D.G., Yazedjian, A. (February, 2021). Social media, family strengths, and psychological distress: A moderation model. [Conference Session]. National Association of School Psychologists. Salt Lake City, UT. (Conference online).

Grants & Contracts

Investigating the antecedents and outcomes of change and stability in low-income relationships. Illinois State University. Federal. (2020)