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Bruce Burningham

Professor of Spanish Studies, Theatre Studies, and Film and Digital Media
Lang Literatures & Cultures
STV Stevenson Hall 116B
  • About
  • Education
  • Research

Current Courses

305.001Current Topics In Hispanic Civilization & Culture

470.001Don Quixote

299.002Independent Honor Study

271.001Studies of Non-Western Film and Theatre

273.002Topics In Film Criticism

300.003Topics In The Literature Of The Theatre

483.003Topics in the Literature of the Theatre

Teaching Interests & Areas

Spanish and Latin American Literature and Culture; Transatlantic Studies; Hispanic Oral Traditions; Performance Theory

Research Interests & Areas

Medieval and Early Modern Literature Cervantes; Theater; Film; Jongleuresque Performance; Comedia Studies; Romancero Studies; Cultural Studies; Street Theater; Popular Culture; Postmodernism

Ph D Spanish Literature

Yale University
New Haven, Connecticut

M Phil Spanish Literature

Yale University
New Haven, CT

MA Latin American Literature

University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT

BA Spanish

University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT

BA Theatre

University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT

Book, Authored

Burningham, B. Tilting Cervantes: Baroque Reflections on Postmodern Culture. Vanderbilt University Press (2008)
For more information on scholarly publications and presentations, see:
Burningham, B. Radical Theatricality: Jongleuresque Performance on the Early Spanish Stage. Purdue University Press (2007)

Book, Chapter

Burningham, B. Don Quixote and the Rise of Cyberorality. Bruce R. Burningham (EDs), Millennial Cervantes: New Currents in Cervantes Studies. University of Nebraska Press (2020): 225-246.
Burningham, B. In Praise of Lupe. Adrienne L. Martín and María Cristina Quintero (EDs), Perspectives on Early Modern Women in Iberia and the Americas: Studies in Law, Society, Art and LIterature in Honor of Anne J. Cruz. Escribana (2015): 203-219.
Burningham, B. Os Manchíadas. Georgina Dopico Black and Francisco Layna Ranz (EDs), USA Cervantes: 39 cervantistas en Estados Unidos. Polifemo (2009): 247-272.
Burningham, B. De Laudatione Cervantina. Sherry Velasco (EDs), Tradition and Innovation in Early Modern Spanish Studies: Essays in Memory of Carroll B. Johnson. Juan de la Cuesta (2008): 41-49.
Burningham, B. Placing the Comedia in Performative Context. Laura Bass and Margaret R. Greer (EDs), Approaches to Teaching Early Modern Spanish Drama. Modern Language Association (2006): 107-114.

Book, Edited

Burningham, B. Millennial Cervantes: New Currents in Cervantes Studies. University of Nebraska Press (2020)

Journal Article

Burningham, B. Bad Moon Rising: Lycanthropy and Liminality in Cervantes’s ‘Dogs’ Colloquy. Moisés Castillo (EDs), Special Issue on Cervantes’s Novelas ejemplares. Romance Quarterly 61.2 (2014)
Burningham, B. The Secret Life of Patiño’s Pen. Francisco Layna Ranz and Antonio Cortijo Ocaña (EDs), Special Issue on Cervantes, política nacional y estética nacionalista, 1920-1975. eHumanista/Cervantes 3 (2014)
Burningham, B. An Apology for the Actorly: Maravall, Sor Juana, and the Economics of Jongleuresque Performance. Bulletin of the Comediantes 65.1 (2013): 131-154.
Burningham, B. David Lynch and the Dulcineated World. Tom Lathrop (EDs). Cervantes 30.2 (2010): 33-56.
Burningham, B. On the Bricks: The Terra Nova Consort, Greenshows, and the Spanish Jongleuresque. Comedia Performance 7.1 (2010): 103-142.