Dr. Andres Vidal-Gadea

- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
Dr. Vidal-Gadea was born in Uruguay. He obtained his BS from the University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, and PhD in Biology from Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, LA. After completing his postdoctoral training in Southampton (UK) and Austin (TX) he joined the School of Biological Sciences at ISU on January of 2015.
Current Courses
299.010Independent Honor Study
499.016Independent Research For The Master's Thesis
599.016Research In The Biological Sciences
303.001Senior Thesis
450.001Advanced Studies in Specialized Fields: Sensory Neuroscience
204.004Biological Investigations
299.010Independent Honor Study
499.016Independent Research For The Master's Thesis
499.116Independent Research For The Master's Thesis Last Term
290.007Research In Biological Sciences
290.010Research In Biological Sciences
290.011Research In Biological Sciences
290.012Research In Biological Sciences
290.013Research In Biological Sciences
290.014Research In Biological Sciences
290.015Research In Biological Sciences
290.022Research In Biological Sciences
290.027Research In Biological Sciences
290.029Research In Biological Sciences
290.034Research In Biological Sciences
290.039Research In Biological Sciences
290.040Research In Biological Sciences
290.041Research In Biological Sciences
290.042Research In Biological Sciences
290.043Research In Biological Sciences
290.045Research In Biological Sciences
290.050Research In Biological Sciences
290.051Research In Biological Sciences
290.053Research In Biological Sciences
290.054Research In Biological Sciences
599.016Research In The Biological Sciences
599.116Research In The Biological Sciences Final Term
303.001Senior Thesis
Teaching Interests & Areas
1) Neuroscience
2) Molecular techniques
3) Neuroethology
4) Behavioral genetics
Research Interests & Areas
My lab uses the nematode C. elegans and the marbled crayfish to study the molecular and neural underpinnings of behavior. We harness these insights to the study of neural and muscular pathologies. Our approach is integrative and combines forward and reverse genetics, immunohistochemistry, calcium imaging, optogenetics, and in-depth behavioral analysis. We currently focus on three topics: magnetic field detection and orientation, the etiology and prevention of degeneration during Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and the adaptation of molecular techniques to the study of neuroscience in crustaceans.
Magnetic field detection and orientation:
Many organisms detect and use the magnetic field of the earth to navigate their environment. While much progress has been made in this exciting field, no magneto transduction mechanism has been identified in any animal. After demonstrating that nematodes can detect and orient to magnetic fields, our lab identified the first set of neurons capable of detecting this invisible force field. Our lab presently works to: 1) characterize the magnetic orientation behavior of C. elegans; 2) identify the molecular transduction mechanism allowing worms to detect magnetic fields; 3) determine how the magnetosensory neurons encode magnetic information; 4) evaluate the effects of non-terrestrial magnetic fields on animal viability.
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy:
Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a lethal disease affecting 1 in 3500 males caused by deleterious mutations in DYS1, a giant gene encoding the dystrophin protein. Progress in this field is hindered by lack of animal models faithfully recreating the disease beyond the genetic lesion (e.g. muscular degeneration, loss of ambulation). We devised the first assay able to fully recapitulate the progression of the disease in animals. We then conducted a genetic screen and isolated mutants able to overcome the effects of the disease. My students now work to identify these mutations hoping to bring relief to those suffering with this disease. We are also using this and similar assays to evaluate different types of exercise that might prove protective for dystrophic musculature.
Adaptation of molecular techniques to the study of neuroscience in crustaceans:
For well over a century, crustaceans have proven immensely useful in neuroscience research. Key has been their unmatched ability to withstand a multitude of synchronous neuronal investigations. In recent years advances in molecular and genetic techniques allowed many model organisms to jump to the forefront of research, however crustaceans have remained somewhat insulated from this revolution due in part to their complex life histories. Our lab is presently collaborating with the Stein lab at ISU, and the Lyco lab in Germany to bring crustaceans into the age of modern genetics. We are using the marbled crayfish, a parthenogenetic species that easily breeds in the lab to adapt current molecular and genetic techniques to the study of neuroscience and behavior in crustaceans.
Post-Doc Molecular Neuroethology
Post-Doc Neurophysiology
Ph D Biology
BS Biology
Dip International Baccalaureate
Outstanding College Researcher
Million Dollar Club
2020 Researchers to Know
2019 Research Initiative Award
2018 Faculty Mentor Award
2018 McLean County STEM Professional Award
Book, Chapter
Creative Works/Broadcast Media
Bainbridge C, Stein W, Vidal-Gadea AG. 2017. Animal heading calculator. GitHub. 10.5281/zenodo.1002304